D-Prize Winners

The Now Exchange: Farah Momen & Giulia Bova featured in The Boston Globe

The Now Exchange, the winning venture of the 2019 D-Prize Distribution competition co-founded by Fletcher MALD student Farah Momen, caught the attention of Boston’s burgeoning entrepreneurial environment this Spring. The interview was conducted by MetroMinute, a segment that covers the latest and greatest stories around the Boston metro area.

In the article, many aspects of The Now Exchange are discussed in great detail, such as Momen’s initial inspiration for the venture, the goals she and Bova have set for the first year of the business, as well as the importance of accessible healthcare and gender equality in developing nations. The work of Momen and Bova show just how important competitions like the D-Prize are. Not only do projects like these allow students to put their education to use, it also allows them to bring their passions, professional experiences, and diverse skills to life to inspire change on a global scale.

Read the excerpt for the Boston Globe article below and follow the link to read the entire article:

What inspired this project?
Giulia and I both studied international development. We were both interested in the intersection of women’s rights, the market, and our roles as consumers. Our trajectories recently intertwined when we talked about the gaps in the garment industry and some of the challenges you might be familiar with: the Rana Plaza collapse that took the lives of hundreds of workers in 2013 andfair pay. I read a report [that] signaled that the garment industry in particular would be a helpful channel for helping women. We should increase the choices and access that these women have [so] that they’re better informed.

MetroMinute, The Boston Globe