**Thank you everyone for coming to the event! For those who missed it, click here to see the recording of the event.
Date: February 19th, 2021
Time: 12:00pm
Meeting ID: 914 6174 7955

Event Description
Come learn about research opportunities at Tufts! Anne Moore, the Director of Scholar Development, will give us a presentation about the opportunities in addition to a summer student research panel with audience Q/A.
Our Summer Research Panelists
Aryan Pandey

Aryan Pandy is a junior majoring in computer science and cognitive and brain science. He formally joined the Laidlaw program in the summer of 2019 under the mentorship of Prof. James Intrilligator as a part of the Soft Robotics Exosuit project. He has been working as a part of a sub-team of the project that is in charge of data analysis and software. Aryan’s research was initially focused on evaluating the correlation between upper-body posture and muscle fatigue in the lower back which would directly be integrated in the main Exosuit project but with the recent halt in data collection, his focus has shifted to designing a software interface for the Exosuit project.
Jayson Pinals

Jayson is a junior studying chemical engineering and biotechnology. He has done both summer and school year research in catalysis and computational chemistry through the Deshlahra Research Group at Tufts. For the summer, he was sponsored by the Summer Scholar program to understand the mechanisms of carbon dioxide activation on specific catalysts. Jayson has been continuing his work to determine how his summer research can be used to explain the formation of products off of the catalyst surface.
Jonathan RodrÃguez

Jonathan is studying math and computer science. Most of his research has been over the summer. During his first two summers, Jonathan was sponsored by the Laidlaw Scholars program and worked with Prof. Lenore Cowen and the computational biology group. Starting last summer, he has been working with Prof. Diane Souvaine, Dr. Matias Korman, and the computational geometry research group as part of the Summer Scholars program and his senior thesis. He has found that research has been a great way to spur his own personal growth and to start coming up with his own ideas and creative ways to solve problems.
Emily Taketa

Emily is a senior majoring in Biology and Child Study & Human Development on the pre-medical track. Her first research experience was in the Fuchs lab within the Biology department, where she investigated drug resistant metabolism and regeneration in planarian worms. Then as a Laidlaw Scholar, Emily studied the genetic effects of aging in Kibale National Park chimpanzee samples with Dr. Zarin Machanda. This past summer, she collaborated with the Kasiisi schools in Uganda to create engaging resources focused on conservation, leadership, and public health lessons. She is grateful for the supportive communities she has found through research at Tufts and strive to continue collaborating on meaningful projects.