Current Aims and Next Steps

  • Continue work to refine and improve the scoring algorithm to improve its performance and validity across all products
  • Extend Food Compass to additional large product datasets
  • Obtain data on contents of artificial flavors/colors, corn syrup, MSG, partially hydrogenated or interesterified oils, trans fat, and (where possible) iodine, which were not available in NHANES
  • Extend Food Compass to rate retailer, restaurant, and company portfolios
  • Assess uses and understanding of Food Compass for front-of-pack labeling
  • Incorporate Food Compass into ESG investment metrics around nutrition and health
  • Consider personalization of Food Compass based on individual characteristics, conditions, and health goals
  • Identify opportunities for using Food Compass to inform industry reformulation
  • Assess use of Food Compass for informing government and private sector procurement