By: Caroline Koon
JRP 2023 has come to a close after two and a half weeks abroad. We have said our goodbyes and are now scattered all across the world. But the work is not over—from here, we have weeks of brainstorming, Zoom calls, research coordination, and, of course, writing ahead of us. The final product for JRP is typically a research paper written collaboratively between the three universities, somewhere between 20 and 60 pages. We will at once reflect on our experiences in our host countries and draw conclusions from our research.
Though the travel aspect of our trip may be over, I am eager to comb through my memories (and notes!) and consider what I have learned. Our group of students have had access to some of the smartest and most experienced people in their respective fields, thanks to the planning, resources, and networks that Tufts, USNA, and USMA furnish. It has been such a privilege to meet and work with these individuals over the past few weeks; I know that, even when our paper has finished and JRP 2023 is wrapped for good, my experiences will continue to inform my perspective, thoughts, and curiosity.