First Few Days in Nicaragua!
by Abigail, Tufts 1+4 Participant

We’re here! And it feels crazy… Plus a lot of other emotions. If I said I didn’t have a moment of “why am I doing this?!?!” I’d be lying. The night we landed, that was definitely running through my mind. But after a few days I am confident that I made the right decision. León is great, the other volunteers are great, the people we’ve met are great, and the food is great. My Spanish? Ehhh. But I’m working on it!
So far what we’ve done is mostly training. We eat breakfast at the hostel, then go to our regional director Mateo’s house in the morning. We’ve gone over almost everything, from Nicaraguan texting to going about our CBIPs. For lunch we’ve gone to two restaurants that serve large plates of traditional food (breakfast and lunch are big meals here, whereas dinner is much lighter). Lunch has consisted of rice and beans, our choice of meat, and salad or a plantain. And juice of course! Between our lunches and dinners, I’ve tasted the limonada, sandía, arroz con piña, and today calala, which is passion fruit. My favorites have to be sandía (watermelon) and calala. Some of the other volunteers also tried pithaya (dragon fruit) which is a crazy bright color and also very delicious. But enough about juices! After lunch we switch it up and finish training on the hostel balcony, which has a beautiful view. At night we’ve gone to dinner with a couple of Nicaraguans (the first night they were my host parents!), so we can practice Spanish and ask questions about León. Each night our Spanish has improved, but we get very tired after concentrating on what people are saying!
Yesterday was super fun because we had a scavenger hunt, and got to explore the city a little bit! It’s so beautiful in the afternoon when the sun hangs low. The buildings are colorful and the narrow sidewalks are bustling with people: children in uniforms, students who attend UNAN, and even some tourists around the central square. The cathedrals are huge, gaudy, and gorgeous. There’s scaffolding on the front of the main cathedral, but even then it maintains its grandeur. There’s a park with a fountain and wifi in front of this cathedral, which is also the place to get raspado. Raspado is basically shaved ice (shaved right in front of you) with a syrup poured over the top. The one I had was pink and very sweet, but I’m not totally sure what it was. It tasted kind of like honey and something else. I was surprised by how close everything is here! I look forward to exploring more because there are so many things to do and see in León!
Last night after dinner was definitely a highlight: salsa dancing! Although none of us can dance salsa, we had a great time pretending and watching other people dance.
All in all, it’s been a tiring but awesome fist few days here. It is so different from my home in Idaho in so many ways. There so much more going on 24/7, that Sun Valley seems so sleepy in comparison. There are going to be a lot of new things to adapt to, and though it’s hard to decipher all of the emotions going through my head, my spirits are high all in all.
And We’re Off!
Tufts 1+4 does 1(week) + 8(months)
by Daniel, Tufts 1+4 Participant

There are times in your life when hours feel like days, days like weeks, weeks like years, and years, decades. Where time seems to stretch in a way it never could before, making what was in another setting trivial, irreplaceable. This was one of those times. There are times where what you expect to be an insignificant section of time ends up being as significant or more than anything else. This was one of those times. There are times when the stars align, wavelengths sync up and immensely complicated social interactions seem to just work. This too was one of those times. The past seven days were all of this and so much more because no matter your background or your friend group background at home the people on this program, the fellows of 1+4, are some of the kindest and bravest kids you will ever meet.
My summer life has always been spent in camps and every one has begun the same way: ice breakers where you find your similarities — the movies and TV shows you watch, the pets you share in common — followed by calmer moments where you begin to explore each other’s differences. Eventually, after much teenage résumé swapping, you get to to the stuff hidden beneath many layers of high school drama. But Tufts 1+4 had only a week to peel back those layers and I don’t think it could have done a better job.
Quote of the Week
“I remember the first day, I was about to go to sleep and I heard a little knock on my door. I went to the door and Daniela was there and she said: ‘I just wanted to say
goodnight’. I was alone in my single and she wanted to say goodnight “
The Tufts 1+4 fellows only met 148 hours ago. That kind of time goes by in an instant during any given school year. But this past week has felt more like a year than anything else. These past seven days have had more laughter, friendship and growth than should be physically possible. Now, we are thousands of miles away from each other, but with only a week’s worth of living together, we are all still in each other’s hearts.
So thank you Jessye, Mindy, Isaac, Nellie, and Lydia and everyone else for accomplishing in one week what most programs fail to do in eight. Now comes the hard part, now comes our part.

On-Campus Orientation
We had an incredible week with our first group of 1+4 Fellows! They arrived on campus on August 25, and we spent a busy week preparing them for their Bridge-Year experiences!
Highlights from the week included:
- Sessions with President Monaco, Provost David Harris, Tisch College Dean Alan Solomont, and program funders
- A campus scavenger hunt
- A workshop on writing from experience and blog writing tips with an English faculty member
- Painting the cannon with 1+4 destination flags
- Faculty workshops based on placement focus (child development, biology and environmental studies, social entrepreneurship, and sustainable energy)
- Sessions on well-being, leadership development, living with host families, apartment living and budgeting
- Developing powerful connections to their three peer leaders, Tufts students who had themselves done gap years, who also provided many fun activities throughout the week
Through workshops, sessions, free time and games, Fellows developed a strong group bond and learned about a host of areas that will prepare them for the adventures ahead. Before we knew it, they were off to the airport to begin their Bridge-Years!