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In this fifth episode, Alex and JP interview Don van Ravenzwaaij. They discuss Don’s experience teaching undergraduate students about current statistical controversies, the FDA’s “two significant p-values” policy, and JP and Don debate the merits of the p<.005 proposal.
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- Don’s website: http://www.donvanravenzwaaij.com/Home.html
- Don’s FDA policy analysis: http://journals.plos.org/plosone/article?id=10.1371/journal.pone.0173184
- The myth of objective statistics: http://mindwise-groningen.nl/the-myth-of-objective-statistics/
- The .005 proposal, by Benjamin et al.: https://osf.io/preprints/psyarxiv/mky9j
- Arguments against the .005 proposal by Lakens et al.: https://osf.io/27mrw/
- Arguments against the arguments against the .005 proposal by J.P. de Ruiter: https://osf.io/mdpv9/