In this episode JP and Alex interview Michael Lee. They discuss model complexity and generative models, the differences between cognitive models and machine learning, whether and when preregistration of models is useful, and Michael’s undying love of cricket.
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Notes and links:
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The workshop we attended resulted in this special issue on robust modeling in cognitive science:
Lee and Vanpaemel on informative priors:
In this episode JP and Alex interview Zoltan Dienes. They discuss Zoltan's passion for the martial arts,
why Bayesian inference could be more Popperian than you might think,
and the easiest way to start using Bayesian statistics in practice.
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Notes and links:
- Zoltan’s book:
- Zoltan’s Bayes references and Bayes factor calculator:
- Four reasons to prefer Bayesian over significance testing:
In this episode JP and Alex catch up with each other and talk about how they like podcasting so far, Alex’s experience doing a joint MS/Phd in stats and cognitive science, JP’s new paper responding to the p<.005 debate, and their future plans for the podcast.
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Notes and links:
JP’s entry into the .005 debate: (preprint:
Notes on Kullback-Leibler divergence:
In this seventh episode Alex interviews Liz Page-Gould and Alex Danvers during the 2017 SIPS meeting. They discuss the value in learning the scripting language R, their perspectives on teaching statistics at the undergraduate and graduate level, and the value of model comparison tools such as the Bayes factor for evaluating psychological theories.
In this sixth episode Alex interviews two early career psychological researchers, Michèle Nuijten and John Sakaluk. Michèle is an assistant professor in the department of methodology and statistics at Tilburg University, and John is an assistant professor in the department of psychology at the University of Victoria. They discuss their experiences organizing and attending the SIPS meetings, the ways they practice the open science they preach, and how they teach research methods in the current reproducibility climate.
In this fifth episode, Alex and JP interview Don van Ravenzwaaij. They discuss Don’s experience teaching undergraduate students about current statistical controversies, the FDA’s “two significant p-values” policy, and JP and Don debate the merits of the p<.005 proposal.
In this fourth episode Alex interviews two prominent journal editors in psychology, Dan Simons and Steve Lindsay. Dan is professor of Psychology at the university of Illinois and chief editor of Advances in Methods and Practices in psychological science. Steve is professor of psychology at university of Victoria and chief editor at Psychological Science. They discuss their academic histories, the reproducibility crisis from the perspective of journal editors, and their optimism about new initiatives to reform psychological science.