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In this seventh episode Alex interviews Liz Page-Gould and Alex Danvers during the 2017 SIPS meeting. They discuss the value in learning the scripting language R, their perspectives on teaching statistics at the undergraduate and graduate level, and the value of model comparison tools such as the Bayes factor for evaluating psychological theories.
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- Follow Liz on twitter: https://twitter.com/page_gould
- Follow Alex on twitter: https://twitter.com/Alex_Danvers
- Liz and Alex’s R workshop materials: https://osf.io/a2x7j/
- SIPS: https://improvingpsych.org/
- JASP: https://jasp-stats.org/
- Garden of forking paths:
- http://www.stat.columbia.edu/~gelman/research/unpublished/p_hacking.pdf