

The Hitachi Center provides support to fellows who come to The Fletcher School to engage in research and teaching on topics related to technology, economic integration, and their role in international relations.

For more information, please contact us.

Current Fellows:

Past Fellows:


Hitachi Center Funded Courses:

DHP D216M: Networks, Analytics, and Organizations I

  • Instructor: Prof. Christopher (Rusty) Tunnard

DHP P207: GIS for International Applications

  • Instructors: Patrick Florance and Barbara Parmenter

DHP P238/ILO L238: Technology, Development, and Regulation

  • Instructor: Prof. Jonathan Greenacre

Related Courses:

  • Introduction to Technology Policy
  • ILO L211: Current Issues in Human Rights
  • ILO L223: International Environmental Law
  • ILO L234: International Intellectual Property Law and Policy
  • ILO L235: Cyberlaw and Cyberpolicy
  • DHP D204: United States Public Diplomacy
  • DHP D217M: Networks, Analytics, and Organizations II
  • DHP D218: Influencing Policy and the Global Debate: Writing Analysis and Opinion
  • DHP D220: Processes of International Negotiation
  • DHP D290: Cyber Risk Management
  • DHP D291: Computer Science for Future Policymakers
  • DHP D292: How Systems Work
  • DHP D293: How Systems Fail
  • DHP P203: Analytic Frameworks for Public Policy Decisions
  • DHP P210: Research Design and Methodology
  • DHP P231: International Communication
  • DHP P232: Communications Policy Analysis and Modeling
  • DHP P236: Cyber in the Civilian Sector: Threats and Upheavals
  • DHP P237: Privacy in the Digital Age
  • DHP P244: Modern Terrorism and Counterterrorism
  • DHP P249: International Cyber Conflict
  • DHP P250: Environmental Problem Solving
  • DHP P251: Energy, Entrepreneurship & Finance
  • DHP P253: Sustainable Development Diplomacy
  • DHP P254: Climate Change and Clean Energy Policy
  • DHP P255: International Energy Policy
  • DHP P256: Innovation for Sustainable Prosperity
  • EIB B241: Financial Inclusion: A Method for Development
  • EIB B252: Corporate Social Responsibility in the Age of Globalization
  • EIB E213 Econometrics
  • EIB E241: Development Economics: Policy Analysis
  • EIB E246: Environmental Economics
  • EIB E247: Econometric Impact Evaluation for Development
  • CS 129: Computing in Developing Countries