Friday, March 14, 2025

LTC Patricia Baker

LIEUTENANT COLONEL Patricia Gene Baker, United States Army National Guard
Commander, 1st TASS BN (Region E), 175th Regiment

Commands the Officer Candidate School (TASS) Battalion for Region E, comprised of six companies geographically dispersed over six states. Provides clear guidance, direction and assessments throughout TASS system and in cooperation with each state level Regimental Training Institute. Provides the Minnesota National Guard with trained leaders ready to accept their commission as Second Lieutenants or appointment as Warrant Officers ready to perform in their next duty assignment. Leads a six state OCS initial phase of candidate resident training and academics for up to 200 officer candidates on an annual basis. Provide leadership, command guidance, and training oversight to the Warrant Officer Candidate School-Reserve Component Minnesota-based Company.

Private Baker completed basic training in August 1992 and served her enlistment with the Minnesota National Guard as a 31L-Wire Systems Installer with the 134th Signal Battalion, 34th Infantry Division. After commissioning in May 1997, 2LT Baker attended the Aviation Officer Basic Course Followed by the Initial Entry Rotary Wing Course at Fort Rucker, Alabama. Upon graduation she was assigned as the HHC XO, 5th Battalion, 101st Aviation Regiment (ASLT), Fort Campbell, Kentucky. During this tour she also served as a Flightline Platoon Leader and as the Battalion Adjutant. In 2001 she attended the Aviation Captain’s Career Course and Combined Arms Services Staff School. She was then assigned to the 4th Aviation Brigade, 4th Infantry Division (Mech), Fort Hood, Texas. Her assignments there included Brigade Adjutant and Commander, B/2-4 Aviation Regiment. In March 2003, CPT Baker deployed with her company to Iraq in support of Operation Iraqi Freedom (OIFI). In March 2004, the company redeployed from a yearlong combat tour to Fort Hood, Texas. As of Jun 2004, CPT Baker was assigned as the Recruiting Operations Officer at Marquette University Army ROTC.
After nine years of Active Army duty, MAJ Baker re-joined the Minnesota Army National Guard in August 2006 as the 34th Combat Aviation Brigade Senior Logistician (S4). She deployed for a second combat tour to Balad, Iraq from May 2008 to 2009. After deployment, she returned to her position within the Joint Force Headquarters of the MN National Guard as the State Public Affairs Officer from June 2009 through February 2010. Following her position at JFHQ-MNNG, Major Baker was the Battalion Executive Officer of the 834th Aviation Support Battalion and concurrently the full-time Officer in Charge through April 2012. From January of 2012 till June 2015, LTC Baker was assigned as the State Equal Employment Manager and Human Resources Equal Opportunity Officer for the MN National Guard. Following her time at JFHQ-MN, LTC Baker was reassigned as the 34th Cbt Avn Bde S3 and OIC in July 2015 serving at Holman Downtown Airfield. As of June 2016, LTC Baker assumed command of the 1st Battalion 175th TASS Battalion of the 175th Regimental Training Institute.

Fighting Sioux AROTC – UND

2017 University of Minnesota – Twin Cities, Doctorate in Education
2006 Marquette University – Milwaukee, WI, Masters of Science, Human Resources
1997 University of North Dakota – Grand Forks, ND, Bachelor of Science, Airway Science Management

1992 Basic Combat Training – Fort Leonardwood, MO
1993 Advanced Individual Training – 31L, Fort Gordon, GA
1997 IERW – Fort Rucker, AL
1997 Aviation Officer Basic Course – Fort Rucker, AL
1998 UH-60 Aircraft Qualification Course – Fort Rucker, AL
2000 Air Assault Course – Fort Campbell, KY
2001 Aviation Captains Career Course – Fort Rucker, AL
2001 Command and Staff Services School – Fort Leavenworth, KS
2004 Cadet Command Recruitment Operations Officer Course – Fort Belvoir, VA
2007 Public Affairs Officer Qualification Course – Fort Meade, MD
2009 Phase I Resident ILE – Fort Dix, NJ
2012 Phase II and III ILE – Distance Learning
2012 Equal Opportunity Qualification Course – Patrick Air Force Base, FL
2012 Equal Employment Officer Course – Patrick Air Force Base, FL
2012 Special Emphasis Manager Course – Patrick Air Force Base, FL
2016 Aviation Pre-Command Course – Fort Rucker, AL
2017 Small Group Instructor Course – Fort Benning, GA
2017 Army Basic Instructor Course – Fort Benning, GA


Second Lieutenant, May 1997
First Lieutenant, December 1998
Captain, December 2000
Major, February 2007
Lieutenant Colonel, March 2014

1. May 1997 – May 1998, IERW and Rotary Wing Officer Basic Course, Ft. Rucker, Alabama
2. June 1998 – July 1998, Student, UH-60 Advanced Aircraft Transition Course, Ft. Rucker, Alabama
3. August 1998 – April 1999, Executive Officer, HHC/5-101st Aviation Regiment, 159th Combat Aviation Brigade, 101st Assault Division, Ft. Campbell, KY
4. April 1999 – April 2000, Platoon Leader, B/5-101st Aviation Regiment, 159th Combat Aviation Brigade, 101st Assault Division, Ft. Campbell, KY
5. April 2000 – December 2001, S1/Adjutant, 5-101st Aviation Regiment, 159th Combat Aviation Brigade, 101st Assault Division, Ft. Campbell, KY
6. May 2001 – September 2001, Student, Aviation Captain’s Career Course, Ft. Rucker, Alabama
7. October 2001- November 2001, CASSS/CAX, Ft. Leavenworth, Kansas
8. December 2001 – October 2002, S1 Adjutant, 4th Combat Aviation Brigade, 4th Infantry Division (Mechanized), Fort Hood, Texas
9. November 2002 – March 2003, Company Commander, B. Company, 2-4 Avn Regt, 4th Combat Aviation Brigade, 4th Infantry Division (Mechanized), Fort Hood, Texas
10. March 2003 –March 2004, Deployed – Company Commander, B. Company, 2-4 Avn Regt, 4th Combat Aviation Brigade, 4th Infantry Division (Mechanized), Tikirt, Iraq
11. April 2004 – July 2006, ROTC Recruitment Operations Officer (APMS), Marquette University, Milwaukee, Wisconsin
12. August 2006 – October 2006, Aviation Officer, Headquarters, 34th Infantry Division, Rosemont, Minnesota
13. November 2006 – May 2008, S4/S8 – Senior Logistics Officer, Headquarters and Headquarters Company, 34th Combat Aviation Brigade, St. Paul, Minnesota
14. May 2008 – May 2009, Deployed, S4/S8 – Senior Logistics Officer, Headquarters and Headquarters Company, 34th Combat Aviation Brigade, Balad, Iraq
15. June 2009 – November 2009, S4/S8 – Senior Logistics Officer, Headquarters and Headquarters Company, 34th Combat Aviation Brigade, St. Paul, Minnesota
16. December 2009 – April 2012, Executive Officer, Headquarters Service Company, 834th Aviation Support Battalion, 34th Cbt Avn Bde, 34th Infantry Division, St. Paul, MN
17. January 2012 – July 2015, Equal Employment Opportunity Compliance Officer – Equal Opportunity Manager, Joint Force Headquarters – Minnesota, St. Paul, Minnesota
18 July 2015 – June 2016, S3 – Operations Officer, Headquarters and Headquarters Company, 34th Combat Aviation Brigade, St. Paul, Minnesota
19. June 2016 – Present, Commander, 1St TASS (W/OCS) Battalion Region E, 175th Regiment, Little Falls, Minnesota

1. March 2003 – March 2004, Deployed – Company Commander, B. Company, 4th Combat Aviation Brigade, 4th Infantry Division (Mechanized), Tikrit, Iraq
2. May 2008 – May 2009, Deployed, S4/S8 – Senior Logistics Officer, Headquarters and Headquarters Company, 34th Combat Aviation Brigade, Balad, Iraq

1. September 2009 – February 2010, Acting State Public Affairs Officer, Joint Force Headquarters – Minnesota, St. Paul, Minnesota
2. January 2012 – July 2015, Equal Employment Opportunity – Equal Opportunity Manager, Joint Force Headquarters, St. Paul, Minnesota

Bronze Star Medal (with 1 Oak Leaf Cluster)
Air Medal
Army Meritorious Service Medal (with 2 Oak Leaf Clusters)
Army Commendation Medal (with 1 Oak Leaf Cluster)
Army Achievement Medal
Army Reserve Component Achievement Medal (with 1 Oak Leaf Cluster)
National Defense Service Medal
Iraq Campaign Medal (with 5 campaign stars for Tours in Iraq)
Global War on Terrorism Expeditionary Medal
Global War on Terrorism Service Medal
Army Service Ribbon
Army Reserve Overseas Training Ribbon
Overseas Service Ribbon (with Numeral 2)
Minnesota Merit Medal
Minnesota State Active Duty Ribbon
Minnesota Achievement Ribbon
Minnesota Service Ribbon
Minnesota Good Conduct Ribbon
Army Senior Aviator Badge
Combat Action Badge
Air Assault Badge

FLIGHT INFORMATION: FAA rated SEL fixed wing pilot, FAA rated rotary wing commercial instrument pilot, TH-67, OH-58, UH-60 military airframe qualifications

CIVILIAN OCCUPATION: lifelong soldier

National Guard Association – life member
Army Aviation Association of America – life member
Combat Helicopter Pilots Association
Experimental Aircraft Association
Society of Human Resource Managers
4th Infantry Division Association
Military Officers Association of America
Women in Defense
Veterans of Foreign Wars
American Legion Post #41

1997 ROTC Distinguished Military Graduate
2005 Bronze Order of St. Michael Medal – AAAA