Cognitive Communications
Cognitive Communications
Project Description:
The causal cognitive interference channel (CCIC) has two sender-receiver pairs, in which the second sender obtains information from the first sender causally. The second sender assists the first sender’s transmission, in addition to transmitting its own information. In this project, we study both the full- and half-duplex modes. In each mode, we propose two new coding schemes built successively upon one another to illustrate the impact of different coding techniques.
Transmission Scheme:
The first scheme, called partial decode-forward binning (PDF-binning), combines the ideas of partial decode-forward relaying and Gelfand-Pinsker binning. The second scheme, called Han-Kobayashi partial decode-forward binning (HK-PDF-binning), combines PDF-binning with Han-Kobayashi coding by further splitting rates and applying superposition coding, conditional binning, and relaxed joint decoding.
Numerical Results
Figure 4 shows the comparison in the full-duplex mode among the Han-Kobayashi scheme, PDF-binning, HK-PDF-binning, and the outer bound. As illustrated by the figure, the proposed HD-PDF-binning scheme contains both the Han-Kobayashi and the PDF-binning rate regions.
Figure 5 compares the HK-PDF-binning schemes with existing half-duplex schemes for the CCIC in Devroye2006TIT, ChatterjeeISIT2010. It’s evident that HK-PDF-binning is strictly better than all existing schemes.
- “A Half-Duplex Transmission Scheme for the Gaussian Causal Cognitive Interference Channel,”
Z. Wu and M. Vu, IEEE International Conf. on Comm. (ICC), June 2013. - “Partial Decode-Forward Binning for Full-Duplex Causal Cognitive Interference Channels,”
Z. Wu and M. Vu, IEEE Int’l Symposium on Info. Theory (ISIT), July 2012.