News and Events

Thom Shanker

Book Talk with Thom Shanker

On March 26, 2024, Fletcher welcomed alumnus Thom Shanker back to campus. Shanker and Andrew Hoehn are co-authors of Age ...
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Dignity in Times of Trouble

Mirza Ramic F14 uses music to bring solace to people in conflict zones ...
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Red Sea

US and allied strikes on Houthi targets were necessary

A new piece in The Boston Globe from Professor Tara Sonenshine ...
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Staying hopeful for 2024

Professor Tara Sonenshine writes in The Hill about the outlook for American public life in 2024 ...
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The invisible enemy in Ukraine? Superbugs

Professor Tara Sonenshine writes in The Hill about the connection between war and infectious disease ...
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Congress dome

The world is at war — and America is exhausted

Professor Tara Sonenshine writes in The Hill about the American public’s reactions to escalating conflict abroad ...
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Visit from Ambassador Francisco Mora

The Diplomacy Study Group at the Edward R. Murrow Center for Global Diplomacy hosted the United States Ambassador to the ...
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Media is meant to inform, but is it stoking the flames of war in the Middle East?

Professor Tara Sonenshine writes in The Hill about media coverage of the Israel-Hamas war ...
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Visit by United Nations Special Rapporteur Francesca Albanese

On October 31st, 2023, Fletcher held a discussion with Francesca Albanese, United Nations Special Rapporteur on the occupied Palestinian territories. ...
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Smoke after airstrip in Gaza

Fueling the conflict in the Middle East

Professor Tara Sonenshine writes in The Hill about the role of energy resources in the Israel-Hamas war ...
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