Philo of Alexandria, Translations, and Perseus the Next Thirty Years

A lot is happening at Perseus. I am writing now to point out the first result from a new NEH grant that formally began one month ago (July 1, 2023). We have released a much revised Greek edition of Philo of Alexandria and a first English translation. The data is available in the First One Thousand Years of Greek Github repository and will find its way onto the Scaife Viewer in its next build.

First, the digital transcription of the Greek text of Philo (based on the Cohn/Wendland Teubner edition). We originally digitized this roughly 10 years ago with the first OCR open source OCR software that we found could manage Ancient Greek. There were issues with this work and we did a major revision. The new files will surely have residual issues and we look forward to finding these but they are a big improvement.

Second, we published the four volume translation that Charles Duke Yonge produced for the Bohn Classical Library in 1855. These are based on the Greek editions that precede the monumental work of Cohn and Wendland. In some cases, Cohn and Wendland reorganized the text and I have adjusted our version of Yonge to follow those changes.

There is a lot more in the pipeline. Our new NEH grant allows us to focus on adding to translations available in Perseus and this is only a first step. Our work with the NEH-funded Beyond Translation project (not to mention a great deal of work on translation alignment by others) has also opened up new possibilities for connecting translation and source texts. These services will begin to appear during the course of the next year.

Gregory Crane

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