Gregory Crane
As far as I can tell, things have settled down on Perseus 4. As I understand it, there were two issues.
First, Tufts Technology Services moved Perseus 4 to a new hardware platform. In the older platform, various checks had been added so that we would automatically reboot Perseus servers if they hung. This automatic rebooting feature was added a long time ago — probably at least ten years in the past. Replacing this automatic feature seems to have slipped our attention (and I should have checked that). It looks like we have made progress on this. It is possible we will need to tweak this reboot feature but for now I am finding that the site works (at least for me). We monitor email to the Perseus webmaster (and try to respond in a timely fashion).
Second (as noted before), we were hit with scraping and of high volume use that differed from previous patterns over the many years that Perseus 4 has been running. Measures have been put in place to mitigate against these behaviors. We will monitor this situation and respond as needed.
I would like to thank Tufts Technology Services for their on-going help.