This weekend, September 26-27, 2020, join TPI for a fall pollinator bioblitz! If you live in the city around Boston (east of I-95) get out during the weekend to observe pollinators—bees, butterflies, hover flies, wasps, and beetles—and post your sightings to iNaturalist. There will be so many insects to see, including monarch butterflies, bumble bees, paper wasps, goldenrod beetles, and more! If you’re not familiar with iNaturalist, see this guide for getting started.
During the bioblitz, TPI biologists will be scouring the flowers in our gardens on the Tufts University Medford-Somerville campus. We hope you’ll get out in your yard or neighborhood to look for pollinating insects, too. Your participation in this bioblitz will help TPI biologist better understand how gardens support pollinators in the city.
Never participated in a bioblitz before? Here are some tips to get you started: