About Praxis
Praxis was created in 1981 and prior to 2007, existed as the “Fletcher School Journal of Development Studies”. Now the “Fletcher Journal of Human Security”, Praxis provides a platform for cutting-edge research and a forum for sharing perspectives and experiences. Together with the the Henry J. Leir Institute at The Fletcher School, the journal explores the intersections between the historically separate fields of humanitarianism, development, human rights, and conflict resolution. Previous issues can be found here on our website in the archive section, as well as in the Edwin Ginn Library Periodicals room.
The journal, published annually with a different theme each year, is produced entirely by Fletcher students in coordination with the Henry J. Leir Institute. Praxis welcomes articles from a wide geographical and disciplinary range of practitioners and academics on topics that cut across the fields of humanitarianism, development, human rights, and conflict resolution.
Human security brings together the concerns and practices that deal with “freedom from fear” and “freedom from want.” This covers a broad range of issues and practices, but they all share three main analytic components: (1) person-centered, focusing on views of security from the ground up rather than the top down; (2) multi-dimensional, requiring both an interdisciplinary approach and one that integrates all voices and perspectives; and (3) preventive, choosing to look at root causes and early indicators to be pro-active rather than reactive to threat.

The journal is committed to promoting many voices, including academics, practitioners, stakeholders, and end-users from different backgrounds and parts of the world.
Praxis welcomes articles from a wide range of geographic and disciplinary practitioners and Praxis is now accepting submissions to be published in the Web Edition throughout the year.