
2024 Tsuan Hua Feng Distinguished Lecture, Title “When heavy tails disrupt statistical inference, machine learning and hydrologic modelling”,  University of Massachusetts at Amherst, October 15, 2024.

2023 The Walter Langbein Lecture (wait for page to load, click on lecture for video) from the American Geophysical Union, recognizes lifetime contributions of a senior scientist to the science of hydrology or unselfish cooperation in hydrologic research.

2021 Outstanding Achievement Award, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Tufts University

2020 Elected Distinguished Member of American Society of Civil Engineers for a lifetime of fundamental contributions to stochastic hydrology and its novel applications. See video presentation and acceptance remarks at:

2020 Ven Te Chow Award from ASCE Environmental and Water Resources Institute for “his extensive contributions in the fields of probabilistic and stochastic methods in hydrology, environmental engineering and water resources.”

2019 Plenary Lecture titled “Critical Problems with Some of the Most Widely Used Statistics in Water Management”, International Symposium of Hydrological Sciences and High-Efficiency Water Resources Utilization under the Changing Environment (ISHW), October 24-26, 2019, Wuhan, China

2019 Statistics in Hydrology (STAHY) Best Paper Award of International Commission on Statistical Hydrology (ICSH) of the International Association of Hydrological Sciences (IAHS), October 19-20, 2019, Nanjing, China for the 2015 paper (with Laura Read) in Water Resources Research titled “Reliability, return periods, and risk under nonstationarity”.

2018 Friends of the Universities Council for Water Resources (UCOWR) award.  In recognition and appreciation for his substantial contributions in time and effort toward the goals of UCOWR

2017 Elected Fellow of the American Geophysical Union for development of hydrologic science and statistical methods in service to society and water resources and natural hazard management.

2017 Maass-White Fellow of the Institute for Water Resources of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers.  Recognizing the importance of scholarship in water resources management, the Maass-White fellowship is offered annually to a scholar whose works promote innovative, substantive reforms in water resources policy research or analysis.

2017 Honorable Mention for Best Paper in the Journal titled “Water International” for the 2015 paper titled “Water insecurity and water demand in the Palestinian West Bank” by Stephanie Galaitsis, Annette Huber-Lee, Richard M. Vogel and Elena Naumova.

2016 M. Gordon Wolman Seminar “Stochastic Watershed Models for Water Resources Planning”, Johns Hopkins University, November 8, 2016.

2015 Breakthroughs in Water Security Research: The Global Institute for Water Security Distinguished Lecture Series: Breakthroughs in Water Resource Engineering, University of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon, Canada, November 18, 2015.

2014 Water Resources Research Editor’s Choice Award for the paper titled:  A risk-based approach to flood management decisions in a nonstationary world” by A. Rosner, R.M. Vogel and P.H. Kirshen.

2013 Borland Lecture in Hydrology, Hydrology Days, Colorado State University, March 25, 2013, “Hydromorphology: Rewriting Hydrology Textbooks for a Nonstationary World.”

2011 John W. Olver Leadership Award  in recognition of “dedicated leadership and outstanding commitment to environmental research and protection of our natural resources

Keynote Address, 8th Annual Water Resources Research Conference, University of Massachusetts, April 7, 2011, Water Resources Planning in a Changing World.

2009 Julian Hinds Award, awarded by ASCE for his advancement of the practice and science of water resource planning and management by providing rigorous and needed statistical foundations for analysis of important problems and issues related to water quality, reservoir operations, low flows and extreme events.

2008 Keynote Lecture, University of Colorado – Boulder, 2008 Hydrological Research Symposium, April 11-12, 2008, “A methodology for a national water census”.

2008 Keynote Lecture, North Carolina State University, A methodology for a national water census”,  March 14, 2008.

Outstanding Practice Oriented Paper, June 2004, awarded by ASCE for the paper “A Decision Support Model for Adaptive Water Supply Management”, by Westphal, K., R.M. Vogel, S.C. Chapra, and P. Kirshen,  Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management.

2002 Indian Institute of Technology – Khosla Annual Research Prize – for paper titled “A derived flood frequency distribution for correlated rainfall intensity and duration” by N.K.Goel, R.S. Kurothe, B.S. Mathur and R.M. Vogel, published in the Journal of Hydrology in 2000.

1995 Walter L. Huber Civil Engineering Research Prize, awarded by ASCE “for his innovative research that has provided new concepts and better methods for water resources planning and management, including reservoir reliability-performance evaluation and statistical methods addressing a wide range of hydrologic and water resources issues.”

1993 Editors’ Citation for Excellence in refereeing for the journal Water Resources Research, American Geophysical Union, Hydrology Section.

Outstanding Research Oriented Paper, May 1989, awarded by ASCE Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management for the 1987 paper titled:  “Reliability Indices for Water Supply Systems”.

Commendation for Outstanding Service as faculty advisor to the Tufts ASCE Student Chapter,  ASCE, 1984-85, 1986, 1986-87, 1987-88.

The John R. Freeman Fellowship in Hydrology and Hydraulics, Boston Society of Civil Engineers, 1987.