

September 2024

We’re delighted to welcome two new lab members! Morgan Brutus joins us as a chemistry graduate student and Rebecca Rios-Lazo is a new undergraduate researcher. We’re excited to work with you both!

August 2024

Check out our recent publication in collaboration with the Isberg lab at Tufts, which was just published in Nature Communications. Congrats to the whole team! check it out here

July 2024

We’re excited to welcome Amy Sterling, an incoming first year grad student, to the lab!

June 2024

Our latest review article on the chemistry of protein glycation is out at Nature Chemical Biology! check it out here

June 2024

Meghan presents a poster on her glycation work at the Bioorganic Chemistry Gordon Research Conference!

April 2024

Rebecca is honored to receive the 2024 Graduate School of Arts and Sciences Faculty Teaching and Mentoring Award! This award recognizes GSAS faculty members who have demonstrated outstanding support of their graduate students in research and courses.

February 2024

Rebecca presents a (virtual) seminar on our research at Drexel University

January 2024

We are thrilled that our manuscript describing a new method for studying the ubiquitin proteasome system in living cells has been accepted at Angewandte Chemie! Congratulations to the whole team, especially co-first authors Dr. Caitlin Hill and Dr. Suprama Datta! check it out here

January 2024

We are excited to welcome two new undergraduate researchers to our lab, Jed and Owen!


November 2023

Our lab is excited to welcome new MS student, Hanna Adane!

November 2023

New lab selfie!

November 2023

Rebecca presents a seminar on our research at Simmons University

October 2023

Congratulations to Jeremiah, who gave an awesome talk about his research on glycation crosslinking at the department Graduate Research Symposium!

September 2023

Rebecca receives the Chemistry Department Faculty Achievement Award

June 2023

We are delighted to welcome MD/PhD student Richard Zhao for a summer rotation!

June 2023

Rebecca presents on our lab’s glycation work at the “Empowering Women in Organic Chemistry” session at the Northeast Regional Meeting of the ACS (NERM)

May 2023

Congratulations to graduating senior Eric Grin, who was awarded the Durkee Scholarship and will be off to medical school at NYU Langone!

May 2023

Congratulations to graduating senior Stefan Hansel, who was awarded the ACS Organic Division Undergraduate Award and will be attending graduate school at Caltech next fall!

May 2023

Congratulations to Defne Alpay, who has been selected as a Dewald Scholar to support her summer research in the Scheck lab!

March 2023

Our new Explores 240 mass spectrometer has been installed and we’re learning how to use it! This new instrumentation offers exciting opportunities for us to do top down and bottom up proteomics!

February 2023

We’re very excited to share that our manuscript revealing DJ-1 to be a glycation antagonist, not an eraser, was just accepted at Biochemistry! Congratulations to Qing and Jeremiah for their fantastic work! Check it out here


November 2022

We are thrilled to welcome Ariana, a first year graduate student in Chemistry, to the lab. Welcome, Ariana!

October 2022

Congratulations to Nick and Tin for giving awesome talks about their research projects at our department’s first Graduate Research Symposium! Well done!

August 2022

Congratulations and farewell to Qing, who has graduated from Tufts and joined Yael David’s lab as a post-bacc researcher. We’ll miss you and good luck in NYC!!

June 2022

We are delighted to welcome our new postdoctoral researcher, Dr. Suprama Datta! Suprama will be working to expand our lab’s proteomics capabilities. We are excited to work with her!

June 2022

Rebecca presents our lab’s glycation work at the APS meeting in Whistler, BC

May 2022

We’re delighted to welcome Hannah, a first year graduate student in the CMDB program, to our lab. Welcome, Hannah!

May 2022

Rebecca receives tenure & promotion to Associate Professor! Thanks to all of the current and former Scheck lab members for their awesome contributions to our work!

May 2022

Congratulations to Qing for being awarded the Class Of 1911 Prize Scholarship and an ACS Organic Division Undergraduate Award!

April 2022

Congratulations to Stefan Hansel, who has been selected as a Beckman Summer Scholar to support his research over this and next summer(s)!

April 2022

Congratulations to Eric Grin, who has been selected as a Dewald Summer Scholar to support his research over the upcoming summer!

February 2022

We are thrilled to share that we have received a seven figure gift from a private donor to support our work on glycation in aging! This funding will expand our glycation efforts and mass spectrometry capabilities. We are grateful and excited! Stay tuned for updates…

January 2022

We are excited to welcome four new undergraduate researchers to our lab, Tia, Eric, Colby, and Sophie!


November 2021

We are delighted to welcome Jeremiah, a first year graduate student in Chemistry, to our lab!

October 2021

Rebecca presents an invited (virtual) seminar at UMass Dartmouth

October 2021

Congratulations to Qing, who has won a travel award from the Northeastern Section of the American Chemical Society to attend the next ACS meeting in San Diego and present a poster on his research!

October 2021

Congratulations and farewell to Dr. Caitlin Hill, who has accepted a Scientist position in protein engineering at Flagship. You will be missed!

July 2021

Rebecca’s collaboration “Connecting the Dots between Organic Chemistry and Social Justice through Mechanistic Reasoning” with her Chemistry Education colleague, Prof. Ira Caspari (PI), has been funded through a Tufts Springboard seed grant. We’re very excited to kick off this project in Chem 150 next fall!!

July 2021

Congratulations and farewell to Dr. Molly Kingsley, who has accepted a Scientist position at Gritstone bio. We’ll miss you!

June 2021

We’re very excited to share that our manuscript about synergistic sequence effects that influence glycation was just published in Nature Communications! Congratulations to Joey, Sasha, and the rest of the team for their fantastic work! Check it out here

May 2021

Rebecca presents an invited (virtual) seminar at UC Berkeley. An amazing and rare opportunity to have both former advisors give a tag team introduction! Next time in person….

April 2021

Congratulations to Caitlin for successfully defending her thesis! Way to go, Dr. Hill!

April 2021

Rebecca presents an invited (virtual) seminar at Boston College

April 2021

Congratulations and farewell to Dr. Joey McEwen, who has accepted a Scientist position at Alnylam Pharmaceuticals. We’re going to miss you!

March 2021

Rebecca presents an invited (virtual) seminar at Yale University

March 2021

Congratulations to Qing, who has been selected as a Tufts Summer Scholar to support his research over the upcoming summer!

March 2021

Rebecca presents an invited (virtual) seminar at Emory University

March 2021

Congratulations to Joey for successfully defending his thesis! Great job, Dr. McEwen!

March 2021

Check out our virtual lab tour inspired by Schitt’s Creek!

February 2021

Rebecca presents an invited (virtual) seminar at Cornell University

February 2021

Rebecca presents an invited (virtual) seminar at UC San Francisco QBI

January 2021

We launched our new website for The Scheck Research Group!


December 2020

Congratulations and farewell to Imran, who has completed his M.S. and accepted a position at Charles River Laboratories!

November 2020

We are thrilled to welcome three new graduate students to our lab! Welcome Brittany, Nick, and Tin!

October 2020

Rebecca presents an invited (virtual) seminar at New York University.

October 2020

Rebecca presents an invited (virtual) seminar at the University of St. Andrews in Scotland.

October 2020

Joey presented a talk on his research “Exploiting Short, Unstructured Peptides to Favor Selective Glycation” at the Boston Symposium on Organic and Bioorganic Chemistry. Great job, Joey!

September 2020

Congratulations to Meghan Martin for passing her research topic!

July 2020

Our review article about orthogonal PTMs was just accepted at Nature Chemical Biology! Congratulations to Kaitlin for her awesome work!

July 2020

Our NIH R01 was selected for funding! This project focuses on developing new methods to predict and control selective glycation in living cells. Congrats to all!

July 2020

We’re delighted to welcome Dr. Molly Kingsley to the lab! Molly has a Ph.D. in molecular biology from Dr. Kathrin Bernt’s lab and we’re excited to work with her!

March 2020

Our manuscript on a chemical probe for labeling dehydrobutyrine was just accepted at Angewandte Chemie! Congratulations to Kaitlin, Nile, and the rest of the team for their fantastic work! P.S. We’re also featured on the frontispiece!

March 2020

Congratulations and farewell to Dr. Kaitlin Chambers, who has accepted a Research Scientist position at Manus Bio. We’ll miss you!


November 2019

Welcome to our newest Ph.D. student, Meghan Martin!

November 2019

Congratulations to Kaitlin Chambers for successfully defending her thesis! Great job, Dr. Chambers!

July 2019

Our NIH R01 was selected for funding! This project describes the use of a new chemical strategy to unravel tumor suppression through the ubiquitin pathway. Congrats to all!

May 2019

Congratulations and farewell to Dr. Nicole Sjoblom, who has accepted a STEM Activities Coordinator position at Boston University’s Upward Bound Math Science Program.We’ll miss you!

May 2019

Our Tufts Collaborates seed grant was selected for funding! This collaboration with Jim VanDeventer’s lab at Tufts aims to harness the activity of bacterial enzymes to study the mammalian phosphoproteome.

April 2019

Congratulations to Nicole Sjoblom for successfully defending her thesis! Well done, Dr. Sjoblom!

January 2019

Welcome to our new undergraduates, Alexx, Qing, and Meghan!


November 2018

Welcome to our newest graduate student, Imran Khan!

October 2018

Our manuscript on selective glycation was just accepted at Angewandte Chemie! Congratulations to Nicole and Maxfield for their fantastic work!

June 2018

Rebecca was recently awarded the Natalie V. Zucker Center Research Grant Award to support our work on glycation. Thank you to the selection committee for the support!

June 2018

Check out our recent paper in Biochemistry! DOI: 10.1021/acs.biochem.8b00534 Congratulations to Kaitlin and Nile for a job well done!

May 2018

It has been a busy spring in the Scheck Research Lab. Congrats to Sasha for successfully defending her Ph.D.! Congrats to Nile and Abe on their graduation from Tufts! Welcome Maxfield and Steven! Congrats Steven on being awarded the Laidlaw Scholarship!


March 2016

Congratulations to Nicole Sjoblom, who was selected as a winner of the 2016 NSF Graduate Research Fellowship!

March 2016

Congratulations to Kaitlin and Caitlin for passing their public study topics! And to Nicole, for passing her qualifying exam!


December 2015

Congratulations to Kaitlin Chambers for the successful completion of her research topic!

November 2015

Welcome to our newest lab member, Joey McEwen!

October 2015

Congratulations to Caitlin Hill, the most recent lab member to have successfully completed her research topic!

June 2015

Congratulations to Paul, who has won a TEACRS postdoctoral fellowship! Job well done!

May 2015

We are excited to welcome Nicole Sjoblom to the lab! Nicole is a biochemistry graduate student in the Tufts’ Sackler School’s Integrated Studies Program, and after completing a successful rotation, she has decided to join our lab for her thesis research.

January 2015

Sasha Fraser is the first member of the lab to present her research study topic, and she passed! Congratulations, Sasha!


November 2014

Rebecca is selected as a recipient of the Smith Family Award for Excellence in Biomedical Research! This award will help to fund Sasha’s work on glycation, and we can’t wait to get started!

November 2014

We are so excited that TWO C(K)aitlins have joined the lab. Welcome to you both!

May 2014

We are thrilled that postdoctoral researcher Paul Levine has become a member of our lab! Paul joins us from Kent Kirshenbaum’s lab at NYU. Welcome, Paul!

April 2014

Congratulations to Courtney Chiu, who has won a Tufts Summer Scholarship to sponsor her summer research in the Scheck lab!

January 2014

Welcome to our new undergraduate researchers Courtney Chiu, Matt Shachat, John Thompson, and Stephanie Cohen!


November 2013

We’re thrilled to welcome two new graduate students, Sasha Fraser and Sinem Guven, to the lab!

September 2013

We got the keys to M202 and renovations are underway!

September 2013

We’re growing! Caroline Ricard has joined the lab as an undergraduate researcher. Welcome, Caroline!

August 2013

The Scheck Research Lab officially begins!