Women of SWFs Initiative
SovereigNET is pleased to announce the launch of a new initiative, The Women of Sovereign Wealth Funds. According to the 2021 OMFIF Gender Balance Index:
- Less than 1% of leading global financial institutions achieved gender balance in 2021;
- Only 8 out of 72 SWF CEOs are women, and less than 25% have any women at all in senior management;
- Sovereign funds remain the least balanced institutions overall compared to commercial and central banks and public pension funds
Levels of Female Presence in Central Banks by Seniority

Through this new initiative, we aspire to focus increased attention on the significant gender disparity that exists in the employment makeup within SWFs by:
- Interviewing women in senior leadership positions at SWFs on their work and the steps SWFs can take to reduce the gender gap;
- Actively researching and sharing evidence that diversity leads to improved performance and business outcomes;
- Leveraging our network to collect data to reinforce that a greater degree of diversity leads to improved results.
Links to Resources:
- Equileap Gender Equality Global Report & Ranking 2021 Edition
- OMFIF Gender Balance Index 2021
- Knight Foundation: Diversifying Investments: A Study of Ownership Diversity and Performance in the Asset Management Industry
- Scientific American: How Diversity Makes Us Smarter
- Forbes: Diversity Confirmed to Boost Innovation and Financial Results
- Norway wealth fund tells firms: put more women on your boards
If you have anything you’d like to share with us regarding The Women of Sovereign Wealth Funds Initiative, please contact us here: