Michelle Thompson (she/her) joined TIER in January 2022 as a research analyst. She brings a background in early childhood, K–12 education, and child welfare. She has a breadth of experience collecting data from children and families in school, home, and lab settings and is skilled in qualitative data collection and analysis. Michelle also enjoys finding exciting and accessible ways to communicate and visualize data.
Prior to joining the TIER team, Michelle worked as a social and economic policy analyst at Abt Associates. At Abt, she worked on projects conducting evaluations and providing TA for a variety of organizations, including state and federal government agencies, universities, and foundations. Her work included mixed methods evaluations of elementary reading/literacy programs, descriptive studies of early childhood education and care settings, partnering with local organizations to build evaluation capacity, and systematic evidence reviews.
Michelle received her BA from the University of Vermont (UVM) in 2017. She double-majored in Psychological Science and Economics. At UVM, Michelle also worked as a research assistant in the Child Emotion Regulation Lab on a family study that investigated the relationship between emotion regulation and metabolic problems. Get in touch with Michelle here!