For over 35 years, Corporate Accountability International has successfully challenged corporations like Nestlé, General Electric, and Philip Morris to halt abusive practices that threaten human rights, public health, the environment and our democracy. The organization is expanding—and leading campaigns challenging some of the world’s most powerful industries in food and agriculture, water, tobacco, and fossil fuels. Think Outside the Bottle exposes the truth behind bottled water marketing and defends the human right to water in the face of increasing corporate control, while Public Water Works! galvanizes support for public water systems. Value [the] Meal challenges the fast food industry to stop driving an epidemic of diet-related disease and helps build a more sustainable food system. Our campaign to Challenge Big Tobacco protects the first-ever corporate accountability treaty from tobacco industry interference. Our new climate project to Kick Big Polluters Out! of the UN climate treaty talks challenges the world’s most powerful industry to keep them from interfering in our ability to act on climate.
Internships are available for Spring and Summer 2015 in the following areas:
        International and National Campaign Organizing
        Communications and Media
        Non-Profit Administration
        Non-Profit Technology Administrator
Application Deadline: Open until filled
Learn more and apply.