Author: Jessica Madding (Page 6 of 7)

Moving Planet: New England working meeting

Get involved in putting together this event for New England!

When: Tuesday, August 30, 7 to 9 pm

Where: Harvard Epworth Methodist Church, 1555 Massachusetts Avenue, Cambridge (Harvard Square).

We still need volunteers to:

– Invite politicians to joing the “meet and greet” portion of the Rally
– Crafty folks to make banners, puppets, signs, etc…
– Marshals to accompany the rolling parades from transit stops to the central rally
– People to organize contingents moving to Boston from their communities (these can join the metro-west, metro-north, and metro-south commuter rail lines/boat travelers)
– People to help set up and break down the event on the day of
– Volunteers to orient people at the event
– Out-reachers who can help turn out a huge number of people to this event!
– And more!

Please email Vanessa with any questions:

Sep 7: The National Climate Seminar

When: September 7

Speakers: Mike Tidwell, author and Director of the Chesapeake Climate Action Network. Mike has been at the center of the clean energy movement for a decade, and is helping organize the large-scale civil disobedience action at the White House this month, as well as supporting’s Moving Planet global day of action scheduled for October. He will be speaking on The Tea Party and Climate Strategy.

The Bard Center for Environmental Policy is pleased to announce an exciting fall line up for The National Climate Seminar. The Seminar is a twice-monthly national conference call with top climate scientists, policy makers, analysts, and communications experts. Join us this fall on the first and third Wednesday of each month, at noon Eastern time.

For more information, please contact or visit

Tufts delegate at Recharge! Retreat

Focus the Nation selected 20 rising clean energy leaders—5 each in the categories of Technicians, Innovators, Politicos and Storytellers—to spend one week on Mt. Hood, Oregon together at its Recharge! Retreat. One of the delegates in the Innovators category is Julie Paul from Tufts, an incoming second year graduate student in Chemical Engineering. Her research is primarily focused on the interactions between mammalian and bacterial cells, but she has worked on a project exploring the creation of biofuels using e.coli.

“I’m excited to see the technology and I’ve never been to Oregon, where we will be able to see solar, hydro and wind energy projects all in one place,” Julie said over a phone interview. The retreat will end with a hike on a glacier.
We will catch up with Julie when she gets back. Find out more about the Recharge! Retreat here.

Nov 13: MCAN’s Eleventh Annual Climate Action

When: Sunday, November 13

Where: Cambridge, MA

Please save the date for MCAN’s annual Climate Action Conference. MCAN’s excited to be partnering with Professor Larry Suskind of MIT’s Department of Urban Studies and Planning. Professor Susskind is a nationally respected expert on environment negotiation. This partnership will allow for exploration of a new and critically important area for climate activists: how to reach consensus on climate action.

Details will follow soon, but meanwhile please hold the date aside in your calendar!

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