Category: Waste (Page 9 of 14)

5 Ways Students Impacted Sustainability at Tufts in 2015

5 ways

Student efforts contribute to a culture of sustainability at Tufts in many ways. Your actions are invaluable, no matter how large or small! What you do each day affects Tufts’ environmental impact — whether you are participating in a sustainability-related club, planning a  zero-waste event, conducting sustainability research, or simply recycling and composting your waste.

Although students regularly contribute to campus sustainability, we wanted to highlight several initiatives from the past year that contributed directly to Tufts’ sustainability goals. These goals are outlined in the 2013 Campus Sustainability Council Report and focus on the areas of waste, water, and energy & emissions. Progress in these areas is tracked regularly and is detailed in the annual Campus Sustainability Progress Report. The list below is by no means comprehensive, so we encourage you to check out the report on Tumblr!

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5 Items You Need to Stay Waste-Free at the President’s Picnic

We’re already counting down the days to the 2016 President’s Picnics!


Can you believe it’s almost that time of year? We certainly cannot. As part of Tufts’ university-wide commitment to sustainability, the events will once again be zero waste! If you can, we encourage you to BYOP (bring your own reusable place setting) to help Tufts reduce as much waste as possible. Learn why it’s important in our post from 2015.


Zero Waste President’s Picnic Checklist:

  1. Reusable silverware or bamboo ware
  2. Cloth napkin
  3. Reusable water bottle
  4. Reusable plate or jar (lid allows you to carry without spilling)
  5. …and a bag to carry everything in!

All attendees who BYOP will be entered in a raffle to win a special grand prize at our table. The first 50 people on each campus who BYOP and visit our table will also receive individual prizes.


This reusable lunch container could be yours if you’re one of the first 50 people to bring your own placesetting!


If you’re the GRAND PRIZE winner, you’ll receive this stainless steel & bamboo ware kit!

Need a little more inspiration? Learn how a family of 4 lives a zero waste lifestyle & discover the unexpected benefits that come with it:



Zero Waste Week Is Back on the Medford Campus!


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How much waste do YOU produce? Take the Zero Waste Challenge from April 18th-22nd to learn about your own habits, reduce your personal trash output, and compete with other participants!

Then bring your bag to the Academic Quad on April 22nd from 2:30-3:30PM for Jumbo Mountains and free snacks with the Eco-Reps at the Earth Day celebration. You might even win a gift card for your efforts to live more sustainably!

Sign up here to receive your Zero Waste kit in time to start the Challenge.

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