Tag: massachusetts (Page 1 of 7)

Sustainable Eating At Tufts

August is Massachusetts Eat Local Month! There will be a number of events held throughout the state with partnering locations featuring local food.  On August 7th, there will also be a film screening of Forgotten Farms, a film about the New England dairy industry and regional food systems.

This month is a great opportunity to think about our local food system, and to find more ways to eat locally in your everyday life.

Eating local is a great way to help support the local economy and become more in tune with the seasons, the local region, and the particular ecosystems within which we live. In addition, eating locally helps you reduce the carbon footprint of your meal.

Ways to eat local

Farmers Markets

The Greater Boston area has a plethora of farmers markets during the region’s growing season, which spans from late May to November.

Find a farmers market near you by using this interactive map.

Join a CSA

Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) shares are a great way to eat seasonally and try fruits and veggies that you might not see in a grocery store. Through a CSA, consumers can purchase their produce directly from farmers through a season-long share. Every week, members receive a box of sustainably-grown, seasonal produce.

Because CSA members purchase their share ahead of time, farmers are supported financially to purchase the supplies they need to grow crops.

New Entry Food Hub CSA, has a CSA pickup location on the Medford/Somerville campus, at the Latino Center. Pickup occurs every Tuesday.  New Entry, an initiative of Tufts Friedman School of Nutrition Science and Policy, helps beginning, immigrant, and refugee farmers gain business and farm production skills and access to land, markets and other resources necessary to start a viable farm business.

Sign up for a fall share here.

Buy local at your grocery store

You can find local produce at many grocery stores. Next time you’re at your neighborhood grocery store, look out for the “local” label, and see if you can find produce from the surrounding region.

Sustainable Eating

Pair eating local food with some of our other tips below to be a sustainability superstar! (Click on the image to view the PDF with active links!)

Intern, MassDEP (Various Locations)

The Department of Environmental Protection is the state agency responsible for ensuring clean air and water, the safe management of toxics and hazards, the recycling of solid and hazardous wastes, the timely cleanup of hazardous waste sites and spills, and the preservation of wetlands and coastal resources. In an effort to assist MassDEP with its succession planning, MassDEP continues to recruit individuals who are interested in working and utilizing their skills in the environmental field. MassDEP is providing opportunities to undergraduate students, graduate students, law school students, and other individuals who are seeking experience in the environmental field.

Application Deadline: November 25th
Apply Online

Outreach Coordinator, Assabet Village Co-op Market (Hudson, MA)

Are you passionate about local food? Are you excited about building community? Want to be the first employee at the Assabet Village Co-op Market? Candidates for this position must be passionate about co-ops and have excellent communication, management and team-building skills to coordinate with the Board, future General Manager, working committees, as well as Co-op owners, prospective owners, stakeholders, and community. They must be reliably available to come up with ideas, implement them, and follow them through to completion. They must have strong interpersonal skills and be able to work in a group. They must be able to take direction from the Board and provide direction to the Board and to others.


Apply Online

Inventory Intern, Sustainable Melrose Coalition, (Melrose, MA)

The Sustainable Melrose Coalition climate action group is seeking a part-time (approx 8-10 hrs/week) graduate student intern for the summer to perform a greenhouse gas inventory for the City of Melrose. The internship will involve data collection and analysis, documentation, developing information graphics, drafting a report and the opportunity to present findings to municipal groups and officials. Attendance at a small number of meetings will be required but otherwise all work can be performed offsite and on the intern’s schedule. A small stipend will be provided.

Application Deadline: Thursday, June 30th
Contact Susan Murphy at smurphy@cityofmelrose.org for information on how to apply.

Environmental Fellows Program, Environmental League of Massachusetts, (Boston, MA)

The Environmental League of Massachusetts is a non-profit organization located in Boston. We are committed to combating climate change and protecting our land, water, and public health. By creating diverse alliances and building the power of the environmental community, we use our collective influence to ensure Massachusetts is a leader in environmental and economic sustainability.

Application Deadline: February 22, 2016
Apply Online or contact Ellen Tomlinson etomlinson@environmentalleague.org with any questions.
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