Welcome TLC Members and Applicants!
The Tufts Literacy Corps was established in 1998, when President Bill Clinton introduced the America Reads Challenge and authorized college students across the nation to use their Federal Work Study awards to help children learn to read. Since then, the Federal program has expanded to include mathematics, writing and science. The Tufts Literacy Corps, too, has grown into four core tutoring groups (reading, writing, mathematics and science) and several student run initiatives.
Tutor with the TLC this year!
If you’d like to join one of our tutoring teams this year, please read through the Tufts Literacy Corps website to learn more about the programs we offer. Think about what you would like to contribute, fill out a TLC application and sign up for an interview! Thanks!
Please click on the Tufts Literacy Corps Application, fill it out and email it to Cynthia.Krug@tufts.edu.
Sign up here for a Tufts Literacy Corps interview!
Zoom link for on-line interviews:
Meeting ID: 936 5892 3782
Passcode: 499188
Tutoring Resources
Please click on TLC Resources if you’re looking for tutoring resources and updates on scheduling and event planning.
Literacy & the Arts Showcase, 2020
If you’re interested in the Tufts Literacy Corps summer writing program, please take a look at the Literacy & the Arts Showcase from 2020. The program always ends with a showcase designed to celebrate the children’s work. In 2020, the summer of the pandemic, we took Literacy & the Arts and its showcase online. The program was very different that summer, as our campers and counselors worked together from their livingrooms in Somerville, Colorado, Rome, Jerusalem and Beijing. One aspect of the program was the same, though: the wide variety of projects the children pursued. Now almost three years later, the zoom-basedoffers a glimpse of the work children do with their tutors during the program. We hope you enjoy this presentation!