Course registration is done online through SIS. Students will gain entry to a course on a first come, first served basis. Each course is capped on average at 24 students. If you would like to be added to a waitlist in the course, please submit a request through the waitlist survey. The waitlist survey informs the GBA program office if additional sections need to be opened based on demand.

Priority Course Registration

Priority course registration, which opens approximately 48 hours before regular registration, is open to students who have successfully completed at least 24 credits in their studies and have 12 or fewer credits remaining OR have two terms or fewer to complete. If you qualify for priority registration, you will receive an email confirming your status prior to course registration opening.

Course Registration in SIS

Log into SIS . Your customized SIS homepage will open. If you do not know your Tufts Username or Password, go to

Use the CLASSES tab to view your current term classes. Clicking the back arrow allows you to view your classes and grades from previous terms.


Holds are flags placed on your record indicating an outstanding obligation. You must resolve the obligation in order to remove the hold. Some holds will restrict you from performing certain activities such as registering for courses and requesting official transcripts. An important form to look out for is the Registration Agreement. Please fill this out before beginning the process outlined below.

Finding and Registering for Classes (filling the cart)

To register for a class, the first step is to get the classes you want into your Shopping Cart:

Select Classes > Shopping Cart or Classes > Add. The Shopping Cart page opens.

The next step is to move the classes you want into your Shopping Cart. There are two methods to move a class into the cart: by Class Number (the quickest method) or using the Class Search.

By Class Number (this is the SIS class number, not the Tufts course catalog number)

  1. If you know the class number (e.g., 21218) for the class you’d like to add, enter it in the Class Nbr field and hit enter. The Select classes to add page appears with the class listed.
  2. Double-check the section and times and click “Next.”
  3. Click “Next.” The class is added to your Shopping Cart

By Class Search

  1. To search the Schedule of Classes, select the “Class Search” option and click “Search.”
  2. Enter search criteria such as Course Career, Course Subject, or Course Number.
  3. Optional: you may narrow your search using Keywords or Instructor. After you click “Search”, other filters will display such as Attributes (e.g., foundation or distribution requirements), Class Meeting Time/Days, Campus, etc.
  4. Click “Search.” The Search Results page appears with more filtering options.
  5. After searching, a list of courses that meet your filtered criteria will appear. By clicking on each course, the course details will appear and contain the course description, the scheduled date and time, and the number of available spots in the course.
  6. If you are logged in you can add the class directly to your Shopping Cart. Click the appropriate select class button. Click “Add” to add the course directly to your Shopping Cart. The Select classes to add page appears with the class listed.
  7. Double-check the section and times and click “Next.”
  8. Click “Next.” The class is added to your Shopping Cart.

Enrolling in Classes

When you are able to enroll in classes during your enrollment period, be sure to check out of your Shopping Cart:

  • Select Classes > Shopping Cart
  • Select one or more classes.
  • Click “Enroll.” Review the Confirm Classes page that will appear.
  • Click “Finish Enrolling.” The view results page will appear indicating either “Success: enrolled” or “Error: unable to add class”.
  • As necessary, resolve errors and click “Add Another Class” to repeat. The class appears at the base of the Shopping Cart window.


Please make sure you drop all classes before the drop deadline as advertised in the academic calendar. Failure to do so will result in a “W” for withdrawal on your academic record. To drop a class that you are enrolled in:

  • Select Classes>Drop. The Drop Classes page will appear.
  • Select the class(es) you wish to drop.
  • Click Drop Selected Classes.