Tufts Haiti Geospatial Data Repository
Through Tufts UIT Research Technology, Tufts has established a centralized Haiti geospatial data repository available to Tufts researchers. Most of this data was collated after the 2010 earthquake. The repository contains:
- Satellite imagery at a various resolutions, spectral bands, and time periods
- High resolution aerial photography before and after the earthquake
- Digital elevation models at various resolutions
- Infrastructure data in vector formats
- Socio-economic data in tabular and vector formats
The pathway of the data portal is: \\rstore1\oth-rsch-haitigis$
Please follow the instructions here to map a pc network drive to the repository. You must be on the Tufts Local Area Network.
The \Documentation\ Haiti_DataDictionary.xlsx contains the description and location of all geospatial data. We are continually adding to the repository.
Online Geospatial Data Portals and Guides
Serves as a resource guide to Haiti geospatial data repositories. Scroll down to Data—Repositories & Maps