Data sources for emissions and facility mapping and energy production/consumption
Example Applications of Greenhouse Gas Mapping
- Vulcan Project (Arizona State University) - a NASA/DOE sponsored project to quantify North American greenhouse gas emissions – data available.
- California Change Portal – Climate Change Research Center - links to state-sponsored research publications. For emissions mapping and monitoring research, see the Inventory Methods link. There are also quite a few papers on assessing regions for carbon sequestration projects.
- EPA – Greenhouse Gas Emissions - the main EPA site for greenhous gas emissions, including data and reports.
- EPA – Clean Air Markets Program- market-based regulatory programs to improve air quality. The site includes GIS data and other data available for download (see the Data and Maps site –, as well as a library of publications and progress reports.
- EPA Clearinghouse for Inventories and Emissions Factors - clearinghouse if information related to emissions modeling including data, models, and research.
- NASA Orbiting Carbon Observatory (OCO)- this is a NASA satellite mission to monitor and map carbon emissions worldwide. Unfortunately the satellite launch on 2/24/2009 was unsuccessful and the satellite and rocket fell into the ocean. The site contains good articles about the project, the need for carbon monitoring, and the engineering behind the sensor. A replacement, OCO-2, is scheduled for launch in 2013.
Examples of Peer Reviewed Literature
Heiple, S., Sailor, DJ. 2008. Using building energy simulation and geospatial modeling techniques to determine high resolution building sector energy consumption profiles, Energy and Buildings, Volume 40, Issue 8, 2008, Pages 1426-1436, ISSN 0378-7788, DOI: 10.1016/j.enbuild.2008.01.005.