Resources for exploring risk and vulnerability

Climate Change – Risk and Vulnerability Mapping and Analysis

Example Applications and Reports

Peer Reviewed Literature Examples

  • Snow, M., & Snow, R. (2009, October). Modeling, monitoring, and mitigating sea level rise. Management of Environmental Quality: An International Journal, 20(4), 422-433. Retrieved August 31, 2009, doi:10.1108/14777830910963753
  • Clark, George E. et al. Assessing the Vulnerability of Coastal Communities to Extreme Storms: the Case of Revere, MA, USA.  Mitigation and Adaptation Strategies for Global Change 3: 59–82, 1998
  • Wu, Shuang-Ye et al. 2002. Vulnerability of Coastal Communities to Sea-Level Rise: A Case Study of Cape May County,New Jersey. Climate Research 22(255-270).
  • Michael, Jeffery A. 2007. Episodic Flooding and the Cost of Sea-Level Rise. Ecological Economics 63(1):149-159.
  • Brown, Iain. 2006. Modelling future landscape change on coastal floodplains using a rule-based GIS. Environmental Modelling and Software 21(10):1479-1490

Also, look through the journal Disasters (full text articles, tables of contents, available through Tufts Electronic Journals site)