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The Instructional Classroom

Instructional Classroom

The Instructional Classroom is situated at the far end of the Data Lab and may be reserved for semester classes, one-time classroom use, workshops, and Data Lab related events.

The classroom is off limits while classes or workshops are in session, but open for use anytime the room is not reserved. Please see the classroom schedule – Fall 2016 to view the classroom availability. Please note there is a weekly calendar posted in the Data Lab which also includes non regularly scheduled classes and labs.

The Instructional Classroom is equipped with:

  • 24 Student Desktops running Windows 7 with 24″ LCD Monitors
  • A Teaching Podium with a rotating monitor, networked Windows 7 Desktop, and various multimedia connections
  • An Overhead Projector
  • A Large Projector Screen
  • Built in surround sound audio
  • Wall Talk Whiteboard
  • 2 Laptop Desk Stations

Please see the Software Section for a complete list of software available in the Data Lab.

Instructional Classroom Reservations

Faculty and staff may request to reserve the instructional classroom for semester GIS or Statistical classes, one time classroom use, or for workshops and labs. Please contact the GIS-Support Elist to reserve the space as early as possible, as dates and times are limited.

More Information