1911 PrizeGrowth

The Class of 1911 Prize Scholarships Winner: Sean Lee

Sean Lee (A20) is a double major in Environmental Studies and Interdisciplinary Studies. His senior honors thesis, “Our Stories, Our Planet: Imagining a Sustainable and Equitable Planet Through Inclusive Representation and Diverse Narratives” is an impressive interdisciplinary work, advancing the field of environmental communication, including a short film as well as elements and insights from music, film, science fiction, communication, spirituality, conservation biology, and many other areas. Sean co-founded the music volunteer organization Public Harmony his first year at Tufts, and served as Co­President of the Tufts Buddhist Mindfulness Sangha. 

The Class of 1911 Prize Scholarships are for seniors who have made the most progress in both academic record and by participation in extracurricular activities of enduring worth. 

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