The Community Service Award Winner: Philip E. Miller
As soon as Philip Miller (A20) started his freshmen year at Tufts, he already committed to serve his fellow students as a Tufts Community Union Representative, and later, as the TCU Education Committee Chair. In addition to his rigorous semester at Oxford University, and double majors in Mathematics and Computer Science, Philip’s most important contribution to Tufts has been founding the TCU Senate Textbook Exchange, which provides students with opportunity to buy and sell their books at reasonable prices. As an executive director of this project, Philip made sure that this remained a non-profit service to alleviate the burden of textbook costs on students. Many students and faculty alike are thankful for Philip’s selfless leadership and creativity to solve this costly problem for the student community at Tufts.
The Community Service Award recognizes exceptional community service to Tufts or the larger community.