ReflectionsStudents & Communities Connection

D25s Work With Asian Women for Health

  D25s Work With Asian Women for Health

As first-year dental students, our capacity to provide oral healthcare is quite limited in the current stage of our education. However, we are able to work with different patient populations through disseminating oral health education and providing oral hygiene products. At the Food Center, some D25s (Esther Ye, Wayne Chen, Ainsley Chung, Kaili Markley, Laurie Jayne Toledo, Pierce Shen, Robert Fu) worked with the Asian Women for Health organization of Boston to promote Tufts Dental and distribute basic oral hygiene products to community members (mainly those of Chinese-descent or who primarily speak Chinese). It was a great way to engage with the local community, promote good oral health, and network with other health organizations. I learned that events like these are important ways to connect with the locals around TUSDM and increase outreach.

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