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D26 Women in Leadership Dinner

D26 Women in Leadership Dinner

Last Tuesday, women from the D26 class gathered for a Women in Leadership Dinner hosted by the Student Affairs Office and the Public Health and Community Service Office. D24 President Zana Hunt, blew everyone away with her incredible vocals to start the evening! Next, Dr. Aruna Ramesh and Dr. Dara Rodgers – two amazing women holding positions as deans here at TUSDM – introduced themselves to the D26s and shared their journey to their current roles. The event then consisted of table discussions led by D25 women and a panel of D24 women who shared their different paths and experiences in leadership! 

The table discussions gave the D25s and D26s an opportunity to connect and bond over their journeys to dental school! D25s: Emely, Megha, Chioma, Ainsley, Wendy, Diandra, Pamela, Mariah, Kaylin, Juhi, Sidney, Esther, Katrina, and Migsal led group discussions and cultivated a space that allowed the D26s to reflect on their paths to TUSDM! While listening to the amazing D24 panelists and enjoying a delicious meal from Boston Kitchen Pizza, the table discussions created a space where D25s could give their advice to surviving and succeeding in dental school and gave the D26s a chance to ask about anything and everything related to dental school!

After dinner, students had the opportunity to listen to a panel of amazing D24 women! Samantha Rivera, D24 shared her journey moving to America and becoming TUSDM ASDA President! Charlotte Georgiou, D24 demonstrated how detailed organization is essential to living  a balanced life as a full time dental student and mother of 3! Kia-Symone Surrell, D24 described her community service fellowship and how heart is fundamental to a career in healthcare! Brianna Sammon, D24 discussed her role as Vice President on the first all female E-Board at TUSDM! Anna Kim shared her journey in the field of research and how that led her to Tufts! 
Thank you to all the D26s that attended, the D25 table discussion leaders, and the amazing D24 panelists for such an amazing event! Special thank you to Nancy Marks, Karen Alexander, and Dainya Hannan for putting together this lovely evening! 

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