
Research Updates and Funding Opportunities From DRA

Research Updates and Reminders

**ADEA Abstract Deadline: September 4th**
ADEA encourages all programs of interest for the 2024 ADEA Annual Session & Exhibition, which will take place March 9-12 in New Orleans. The deadline for submitting proposals for ADEA TechExpo sessions and Posters is September 4th.
For details on preparing your submission, see ADEA’s website
DRA’s FAQ of the Week: What Do I Do if a Company Offers Me a Product or Money as a Gift?
A gift is a voluntary transfer of money or property from the donor, where they do not expect anything of value in return. University Advancement and Corporate and Foundation Relations (CFR) is the only office able to accept gifts on behalf of Tufts University. Donations with terms and conditions are processed as sponsored awards. Please contact Dental Research Administration if you are offered a product or money as a gift and a member of the team will follow-up about next steps.
Want to learn more? A complete list of the DRA’s most frequently asked questions can be found here!
Note- New IRB Process Update!
Please contact Ann Marie Billig if, for any reason, you plan to access de-identified data from a study that was conducted at TUSDM but has since closed with the IRB, and you were not originally on the research team. The IRB has recently updated their policies and now a small submission is required to their office before this data can be accessed by non-research team members. Ann-Marie can guide you through the entire process, which is quick and simple.
Revising the NIH/AHRQ/NIOSH Post-Submission Material Policy
In response to the COVID-19 Public Health Emergency, NIH implemented a special exception for post-submission material, allowing a one-page update of preliminary data as post-submission material to specified notices of funding opportunity (NOFOs) which is due to end on May 11, 2023. For applications submitted for the May 25, 2023 receipt date and beyond, NIH, AHRQ, and NIOSH will accept a one-page update with preliminary data as post-submission material for Type 1 R01, R21, or R03 applications, including resubmissions, if the NOFO used for submission allows preliminary data in the application. Because applications for emergency competitive revisions and urgent competitive revisions undergo expedited review, post-submission materials will not be accepted for those applications. READ MORE… 
NIH Data Management Sharing Plans Helpful Tips and Tricks
The article has various resources available such as a Data Management and Sharing Plan Format Page  and sample DMS plans available from NIH. The full article can be accessed here. 
In Case you Missed it- DRA Summer Newsletter
The DRA Summer 2023 Newsletter highlighted the Bates-Andrews Research Award Dinner, the FY23 Year in Review, staffing updates, and more. See the newsletter here.

Upcoming Training Opportunities and Workshops

2024 IADR/AADOCR/CADR General Session & Exhibition- March 13-16th 

The 102nd General Session & Exhibition of the IADR, 53rd Annual Meeting of the AADOCR, and 48th Annual Meeting of the CADR will take place on March 13-16th in New Orleans, LA. 

Key Important Dates: 
Abstract & Session Proposal Submission Sites Open: July 11, 2023
Session Proposal Submission Close: September 27, 2023, 11:59 p.m. PT
Abstract Submission Close: October 17, 2023, 11:59 p.m. PT
Presenter Pre-registration Deadline: January 11, 2024

2024 ADEA Annual Session & Exhibition- March 9-12th 

he 2024 ADEA Annual meeting will take place on March 09-12 in New Orleans, LA. 

June 1, 2023, 11:59PM PST: Deadline for submitting proposals for educational sessions (seminars, workshops, small discussion groups, Short Talks and New Idea sessions)
Late August 2023: Notification emails sent to educational session submitters
September 4, 2023, 11:59PM PST: Deadline for submitting proposals for ADEA TechExpo sessions and Posters
October 2, 2023,11:59PM PST: Deadline for submitting in the Corporate Track
Mid-November 2023: Notification emails sent to poster and TechExpo proposal submitters

The 2024 Annual Session Call for Proposals will close for education sessions and on Sept. 4, 2023 for poster and TechExpo submissions. For more details on submitting a proposal, go to ADEA’s Call for Programs page.

10th International World Dental and Oral Health USA Congress 2023- October 21st 

The 10th International World Dental and Oral Health USA Congress 2023 will be held in Boston on October 21st. The theme of the conference is “Next Generation Dentistry for Better Overall Health.”

Where: Embassy Suites by Hilton, Boston, AM
When: Saturday, October 21st, 9AM-6PM

For more information, go to https://worlddentalcongress.net/

Highlighted Funding Opportunities

1) Massachusetts Dental Society (MDS) Foundation, Expanding Access to Care Grants  
About: The MDS Foundation’s goal is to improve the oral health of all citizens of Massachusetts and to increase access to care for underserved populations in the state.  For the Expanding Access to Care Grants, the Foundation distributes funds in various amounts to applicants located in Massachusetts for projects benefiting citizens of the Commonwealth. Priority is given to proposals that have measurable improvement goals, show strong community support for the project, and are innovative in nature. Funding amount is determined based on what type of budget each applicant proposes, however, the previous Expanding Access to Care Grant recipients received funding ranging from $6K to $25K, with $15K being the amount that was awarded most often. Funding is for one year only. Multi-year projects must reapply each year. Considerations for grant approvals include: (1) Originality, creativity, and innovation; (2) History of, or potential for, continuous program operations; (3) Community involvement and collaboration, including volunteer support; (4) Potential impact on the target community or audience; and (5) Established matching funds and/or long-term funding relationships.  
Eligibility: Applicants are typically larger facilities or larger organizations.  
Deadline: November 1, 2023 
More Information: https://www.massdental.org/Foundation/Grants/Access-to-Care
2) Tufts: MUSE Internal Funding Program
About: The MUSE Arts, Humanities, and Humanistic Social Sciences is a new funding program, sponsored by the Office of the Vice Provost for Research (OVPR), to support intramural projects. Offered annually, awards will be made up to $7,500 for up to one year. Projects should be built on prior work or expertise (if a new direction) and should demonstrate how the proposed work will lead to future scholarly or artistic endeavors.​ 
– Any Tufts faculty or research staff member who is actively contributing to scholarship and/or creative work, in line with their respective school or center guidelines and restrictions . If you are unsure of your eligibility, please contact your school’s research administration or email springboard@tufts.edu
– While investigators from any school or department can apply to the MUSE program, projects must be in the fields of arts, humanities, or humanistic social sciences
– MUSE funds can be used to complement other internal or external funding with justification demonstrating how the MUSE funding will not overlap with existing funding. 
Deadline: October 18, 2023
More Information: https://viceprovost.tufts.edu/muse-arts-humanities-and-humanistic-social-sciences-funding-program-coming-soon
3) American Association of Orthodontists Foundation: Biomedical Research Awards 
About:The AAOF solicits investigator-initiated applications on a wide range of research topics pertaining to orthodontics and/or craniofacial biology. The BRA is designed to assist mid-career and senior faculty in the U.S. and Canada to conduct independent research activities. Such activities are critical for academic and faculty development in orthodontic graduate programs. BRA proposals are generally expected to be either (i) small, well-defined and self-contained studies leading to publications in professional or scientific journals or (ii) pilot and feasibility studies to generate preliminary data in preparation of larger grant proposals to NIH or other research funding organizations. The decision to fund any given BRA application is based on scientific merit and available funds.  
Eligibility: The BRA is available to full-time orthodontic faculty who are in years three and above of their academic careers. (Beginning in 2020, the previous ceilings of “up to 14 years” in academics and academic rank have been removed.) Applicants are required to produce evidence for institutional commitment to the project in the form of a letter of support from appropriate institutional official/officials. In addition, BRA applicants must be: – U.S. or Canadian citizens
– Permanent residents (also known as “resident aliens”) who possess a U.S. “green card” or its Canadian equivalent
– Those foreign nationals not yet in possession of a U.S. “green card” or its Canadian equivalent, as long as the applicant and the institution will stipulate that obtaining such status is the applicant’s intention and where there is demonstrable evidence of this intent. 
Deadline: October 13, 2023  
More Information: If you are interested in applying, please create a login at https://www.aaofoundation.net/awards-program/about-the-aaof-awards-program to see further information.

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