
Register for Tufts CTSI’s 3rd Annual Dissemination of Research Results Open House

Tufts CTSI is pleased to invite you to attend their 3rd Annual Dissemination of Research Results Open House Zoom event on Tuesday, May 7, from 6:00PM-7:00PM.

They are excited to have Dr. Erin Meier from Northeastern University (“Word Retrieval in the Wild: A Smartwatch Ecological Momentary Assessment Pilot Study in People with Post-Stroke Aphasia”) and Dr. Gaurav Gulati from Tufts Medical Center (“Helping the Right Heart Pump Better in Shock: A New Tool”) scheduled to present the results of their studies.

This event is an opportunity for study participants to learn about the results of the study in which they participated. It is also an opportunity for the general public to learn more about research happening at Tufts Medical Center and Northeastern University. Each 15-minute presentation will be followed by a Q&A session with the researchers. Registration is required! Please register on Tufts CTSI I LEARN.

If you have any questions, please contact Project Manager Patricia Reyes.

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