
Welcome D28 Class to TUSDM!

We are so excited to welcome TUSDM’s newest dental class – the Class of 2028!

Check out the D28 Class Page HERE!

Catch this awesome bulletin board created by Natalie Ingram (D26) on the 7th floor!

Enjoy this new chapter, below are some tips on surviving and thriving in dental school!

Time management: You may have heard the dental school can feel like you’re constantly drinking from a fire hydrant. Dental school can definitely be fast pace, but with the right time management skills, you’ll be able to conquer every exam. Here are some helpful apps + tools to manage your time like a pro.

  •  Forest
  • Pomodoro Timer Application on Laptop
  • Todist app
  • Be Focused app
  • Google Calender/iCal
  • Old fashion planner

Build a Support System: One thing that’s great about Tufts is the amazing support system you’ll have while in school. Reach out to other classmates and friends for study groups. Worried about clinical anatomy? Not sure how to navigate student affairs? Have no clue on how “drop the box” for a Class II prep? Good news; your bigs have had those exact same questions and are here to help.

Take a Breath & Treat Yo’ Self: It can be easy to feel overwhelmed in dental school. If you do, pause, take a few breaths and take a meaningful break. We promise you’ll even more productive once you feel re-energized doing a few of the activities you enjoy. Take yourself out for coffee on Friday morning or a walk through the commons after a stressful operative session!

Wellness Program: As you will soon find out through PELD, student wellness is of the utmost importance here at TUSDM! Try incorporating mediation, yoga, or even just light reflection into your day! Check out the Wellness Committee Page! 

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