QDC: “Take the Pledge”
Queer Dental Collective (QDC) is running a “Take the Pledge” initiative for LGBTQIA2S+ identifying people and Ally’s to outwardly show their support for the community by placing a sticker of the Progress Pride Flag on your ID/Badge. Open to students, faculty and staff!
This pledge is not limited to your stance against hate for LGBTQIA2S+ individuals but also against hate in all its forms towards all people.
To take the pledge and receive your sticker, come find us at the activities fair on 10/7 from 12-1pm on the 15th floor in the alumni lounge or contact any of the QDC’s EBoard.
If you would like to receive a sticker, please make sure you read the Take the Pledge thoroughly and understand what it means to display this outward sign of support to your fellow LGBTQIA2S+ students, staff, faculty, and patients, as well as your stance against hate at large.