American Indian and Alaska Native Oral Health: Challenges and Opportunities
March 30, 2023 @ 1:00 pm - 2:00 pm
Join CareQuest Institute on Thursday, March 30 at 1 p.m. ET for a webinar, created in collaboration with native-led organizations, that will discuss oral health disparities facing American Indian and Alaska Native populations. An expert panel will highlight statistics, stories, examples, and recommendations from a new white paper — American Indian and Alaska Native Communities Face a ‘Disproportionate Burden of Oral Disease’: Reversing Inequities Involves Challenges and Opportunities — and share culturally and community-driven strategies to improve AI/AN oral health.
Identify the specific and systemic barriers to access oral health care, such as structural racism, that native communities face.
Discuss the importance of culturally and community-driven strategies for improving oral health in native communities.
Examine opportunities for implementing and supporting the development of culturally and community-driven strategies for improving oral health in native communities.
Analyze the multifactorial solutions native-led organizations are implementing to improve the oral health system for native communities.