Career Resources

In addition to the resources found on Fletcher CORE, we have compiled a list of helpful documents and websites to aid you with career planning, resume and cover letter best practices, salary negotiation, and job applications. If you have any questions about these resources or would like to discuss them further, please set up an appointment with GBA Career Coach Melissa Palmer.

Resume/CV and Cover Letter Best Practices Workshop Slides
Career Planning Resources from Fletcher OCS
VMock Instructions
Cover Letter Guide, Handout, and Articles
Resume Guide, Handout, and Articles
Sources for Researching Career Trends, Salaries, Industries, and Company Information
Add yourself to Fletcher Jobs Google Group for direct-to-inbox postings
Note: this is a rich alumni-run resource, not an official listing. We recommend you use it as a supplement to the existing tools and resources offered from CORE and Melissa Palmer

Additionally, designed in conjunction with the Office of Career Services, the Tufts Library Career Research and Job Hunting Guides house links to various job search engines, profiles of different companies within various industries, and provide a variety of resources to assist with the job search process.

Networking with Fletcher Alumni

One of the highlights of a Fletcher education is the ability to engage with our diverse and active alumni network. Our alumni community is over 9,000 people strong, with representatives working in every sector and impacting some of the most important issues of our time, from climate change to economic development to security to, of course, international business.

As a GBA student, you likely live close to a hub of these Fletcher alumni, and we encourage you to take advantage of this proximity. Fletcher has more than 80 alumni clubs across the globe, and we invite you to connect with them in person or virtually. You can do so in several ways:

  1. LinkedIn Networking: Join the LinkedIn Fletcher Business Alumni Group to connect with Fletcher students and alumni from all degree programs who share an interest in business.
  2. Events: Keep tabs on the alumni events calendar to join a specific event close to you.
  3. Local Club Emails: Join the local Fletcher email list in your area to be apprised of activities. To do so, please email and include your name, your affiliation (a GBA student), and the location of your local club (see complete list).
  4. Online Directory: The online directory allows you to directly connect with other Fletcher community members – alumni, faculty, and students alike. Whether you are trying to track down a specific alumni or trying to find people in a specific industry or location, the database can be a useful resource. This document explains the registration process and how to use the platform. You will have access to this directory about 1 month into the start of your first semester.