National Geospatial Intelligence Agency funds NURI Award on Benchmark data development to classify damage for natural disaster relief efforts – project start date June 15, 2020.
Tufts DISC center funds project on Rapid Classification of Transportation Infrastructure Damage and Loss Estimation using Image Libraries, Mobility Data, and Machine Learning – project start date July 2020.
USGS funds project on Characterizing of soil amplification in glaciated terrain: Collaborative Research with Tufts University and Boston College – project start date June 1, 2020.
USGS funds project on Updating the Geospatial Liquefaction Model – project start date Jan. 1, 2020.
Alex Chansky is awarded the 2020 Edgerton Summer Fellowship.
Marshall Pontrelli wins a 2019 SSA Student Travel Grant to attend the 2019 conference.
Jim Kaklamanos wins 2019 Tufts CEE distinguished service award.
Marshall Pontrelli wins first prize at the 2018 Northeast Geotechnical Graduate Research Symposium.
The geospatial liquefaction model is now being implemented as part of the USGS Latest Earthquakes post
Check it out for the September 8, 2017 M8.1 earthquake in Mexico .
Jing Zhu graduates with her Ph.D. and takes a job at AIR Worldwide.
Good luck Jing!
The Jing Zhu’s research as part of the Geospatial Liquefaction Project was highlighted in the Tufts CEE News!
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USGS Funded Project on Near Surface Sediment Model
Professor Laurie Baise and Professor John Ebel (Boston College) have been awarded a one-year project to build a near surface sediment model for the Boston region and assess the resulting soil amplification. Visiting Scholar Erkan Yilar is currently taking microtremor measurements around the city as part of the project.
New England Chapter of EERI to host Annual Meeting in 2015
The New England Chapter of EERI will host the EERI Annual Meeting from March 31 – April 3, 2015. Prof. Baise is participating as part of the organizing committee.
Zhu Wins Best Presentation Award at SSA Conference
CCongratulations to Jing Zhu, a graduate student in Associate Professor Laurie Baise’s Geohazards lab, who won a best student presentation award at the Seismological Society of America conference in Salt Lake City for her presentation “A Geospatial Liquefaction Model for Rapid Response and Loss Estimation.”
Baise Given Faculty Teaching and Mentor Award
At the Graduate Studies Award Ceremony on April 27, 2012, Associate Professor Laurie Baise received the School of Engineering’s Faculty Teaching and Mentoring Award. This award recognizes faculty members who have demonstrated outstanding support of graduate students from course completion through research and post-degree placement.
Presentations at ESG4
Professor Laurie Baise gave a plenary talk titled “Complex Site Response – Does One-Dimensional Site Response Work?” at the 4th International IASPEI/IAEE Symposium on the Effects of Surface Geology on Seismic Motion (ESG4) in Santa Barbara, California. Eric Thompson presented some collaborative work: a paper titled “Regional Correlations of Vs30 and Velocities Averaged Over Depths Less Than and Greater Than 30 m” with Dave Boore and Heloise Cadet; and a paper titled “A New Strategy for Developing Vs30 Maps” with David Wald, Leslie McWhirter, and Amanda Herring.
Laurie Baise Elected to SSA Board
Professor Laurie Baise was elected to the Board of Directors of the Seismological Society of America (SSA) for a three-year term in office. “To address seismic hazard in the future, interdisciplinary efforts will be required, and the Seismological Society of America provides an ideal venue to promote and encourage these important efforts,” said Baise. Click here for more information.
NSF-CMMI Research and Innovation Conference
Doctoral student James Kaklamanos and Associate Professor Luis Dorfmann presented at the National Science Foundation (NSF) Civil, Mechanical, and Manufacturing Innovation (CMMI) Research and Innovation Conference, held in Atlanta, Georgia, on January 4-7, 2011. On behalf of the project team (also composed of Associate Professor Laurie Baise and Research Assistant Professor Eric Thompson), they presented their research progress on NSF Award #1000210, “Identifying and Modeling Complex Site Response Behavior.” Please view our conference paper and poster, and visit the conference website/a> for more information.
Jim Kaklamanos wins the 2010 Award for Outstanding Graduate Contributor to Engineering Education, Tufts University