• Pontrelli, M.A., Basie, L.G., Ebel, J.E. (2023a) Regional-scale site characterization mapping in high impedance environments using soil fundamental resonance (f0): New England USA. Engineering Geology, Vol. 315, doi: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.enggeo.2023.107043




  • Zhu, J., Baise, L.G., and Thompson, E.M. (2017). An Updated Geospatial Liquefaction Model for Global Application, Bull. Seism. Soc. Am. 107 (3), doi: 10.1785/0120160198
  • Yilar, E., Baise, L.G., and Ebel, J. (2017). Using H/V Measurements to determine depth to bedrock and Vs30 in Boston, Massachusetts. Engineering Geology217, 12-22.http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.enggeo.2016.12.002
  • Moss, R.E.S, Baise, L.G., Zhu, J., and Kadkha, D. (2017). Examining the Discrepancy between Forecast and Observed Liquefaction from the 2015 Gorkha, Nepal Earthquakes. Earthquake Spectra, Volume 33, No. S1, pages S73–S83.


  • Zhu, J., Baise, L.G., and Thompson, E.M. (2016). Liquefaction observations from ten earthquakes in the US, Japan, China, and Taiwan: U.S. Geological Survey data release, http://dx.doi.org/10.5066/F7NC5ZB8.
  • Baise, L.G., Kaklamanos, J., Berry, B., and Thompson, E.M. (2016). Soil amplification with a strong impedance contrast: Boston, Massachusetts. Engineering Geology202 (1-13).http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.enggeo.2015.12.016


  • Kaklamanos, J., Dorfmann, L., and Baise, L.G. (2015). An Overlay Model for Earthquake Site Response in a General Finite Element Framework. Seismological Research Letters, 86 (2A). doi: 10.1785/0220140100.
  • Kaklamanos, J., Baise, L.G, Thompson, E.M., and Dorfmann, L. (2015). Comparison of 1D linear, equivalent-linear, and nonlinear site response models at six KiK-net validation sites. Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, 69, 207-219. doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.soildyn.2014.10.016
  • Zhu, J., Daley*, D., Baise, L.G., Thompson, E.M., Wald, D.J., Knudsen, K.L. A (2015). A Geospatial Liquefaction Model for Rapid Response and Loss Estimation. Earthquake Spectra31 (3), 1813-1837. doi:http://dx.doi.org/10.1193/121912EQS353M


  • Kaklamanos, J., Baise, L.G., Thompson, E.M, and Dorfmann, L. (2013). Critical Parameters Affecting Bias and Variability in Site-Response Analyses Using KiK-net Downhole Array DataBulletin of the Seismological Society of America, 103 (3), 1733-1749.
  • Oommen, T., Baise L.G., Gens R., Prakash A., and Gupta R.P. (2013). Documenting Earthquake-Induced Liquefaction using Satellite Remote Sensing Image TransformationsEnvironmental and Engineering Geosciences, Vol. XIX (4), 303-318.


  • Thompson, E.M., Baise, L.G., Tanaka, Y. and Kayen, R.E. (2012). A Taxonomy for Complex Site ResponseSoil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, 41: 32-43.
  • Morgan, E. C., Vanneste, M., Longva, O., Lecomte, I., McAdoo, B., and Baise, L.G. (2012). Estimation of free gas saturation from seismic reflection surveys by the genetic algorithm inversion of a P-wave attenuation model. Geophysics, 77(4), 1-13.


  • Kaklamanos, J. Baise, L. G. and Boore, D.M. (2011). Estimating Unknown Input Parameters when Implementing the NGA Ground Motion Prediction Equations in Engineering PracticeEarthquake Spectra, 27(4): 1219-1235.
  •  Thompson, E.M., Baise, L.G., Kayen, R., Morgan, E, and Kaklamanos, J. (2011). Multiscale Site-Response Mapping: A Case Study of Parkfield, CaliforniaBulletin of the Seismological Society of America, 101 (3), 1081-1100.
  •  Thompson, E. M., J. B. Hewlett, L. G. Baise, and R. M. Vogel (2011). The Gumbel hypothesis test for left censored observations using regional earthquake records as an exampleNatural Hazards and Earth System Sciences, Vol. 11, pp. 115-126
  •  Kaklamanos, J., and Baise, L.G (2011). Model Validation and Comparison of the Next Generation Attenuation of Ground Motions (NGA-West) ProjectBulletin of the Seismological Society of America. Vol. 101 (1).160-175.
  •  Morgan, E.C., Lackner, M., Vogel, R., and Baise, L. (2011). Probability distributions for offshore wind speedsEnergy Conversion and Management, 52 (1), 15-26. [Information/Download]
  •  Oommen T., Baise L.G., and Vogel, R.M. (2011). Sampling bias and class imbalance in maximum likelihood logistic regressionMathematical Geosciences. 43 (1), 99-120.
  •  Hines, E. M., Baise, L. G., and Swift, S. (2011). Ground Motion Suite Selection for Eastern North AmericaJournal of Structural Engineering, 137 (3): 358-366.



  • Impediments to predicting site response: seismic property estimation and modeling simplifications
    Thompson, EM, Baise, LG, Kayen, RE, and Guzina, BB
    Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America, 99(5):2927-2949.


  • Discussion of “Mapping Liquefaction Potential Considering Spatial Correlations of CPT Measurements” by Chia-Nan Liu and Chien-Hsun Chen
    Baise, LG, Lenz, JA, and Thompson, EM
    Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering, 134(2):262-263.
  • Liquefaction susceptibility mapping in Boston, Massachusetts
    Brankman, CM and Baise, LG
    Environmental and Engineering Geoscience, 14(1):1078-7275.
  • Quantifying geomorphology associated with large subduction zone earthquakes
    Morgan, EC, McAdoo, BG, and Baise, LG
    Basin Research, 20(4):531-542.


  • A global index earthquake approach to probabilistic assessment of extremes
    Thompson, EM, Baise, LG, and Vogel, RM
    Journal of Geophysical Research, 112(B6):B06314.
  • On using surface-source downhole-receiver logging to determine seismic slownesses
    Boore, DM and Thompson, EM
    Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, 27(11):971-985.
  • Spatial correlation of shear-wave velocity in the San Francisco Bay Area sediments
    Thompson, EM, Baise, LG, and Kayen, RE
    Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, 27(2):144-152.
  • Spatial variability of liquefaction potential in regional mapping using CPT and SPT data
    Lenz, JA and Baise, LG
    Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, 27(7):690-702.
  • Surface-source downhole seismic analysis in R
    Thompson, EM
    U. S. Geological Survey Open File Report, 2007-1124:17. [Download as pdf-file]


  • Liquefaction hazard mapping – Statistical and spatial characterization of susceptible units
    Baise, LG, Higgins, RB, and Brankman, CM
    Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering, 132(6):705-715.


  • Shear-wave velocity of the ground near sixty California strong motion recording sites by the spectral analysis of surface waves (SASW) method and harmonic-wave sources
    Kayen, RE, Thompson, EM, Minasian, D, and Carkin, B
    U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report, 2005-1366:132. [Download as pdf-file]
  • Three-dimensional liquefaction potential analysis using geostatistical interpolation
    Dawson, KM and Baise, LG
    Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, 25(5):369-381. doi.org/10.1016/j.soildyn.2005.02.008


  • Geotechnical reconnaissance of the 2002 Denali fault, Alaska, earthquake
    Kayen, RE, Thompson, EM, Minasian, D, Moss, RE, Collins, BD, Sitar, N, Dreger, D, and Carver, G
    Earthquake Spectra, 20(3):639-667. [Download as pdf-file]


  • Site response at Treasure and Yerba Buena Islands, California
    Baise, LG, Glaser, SD, and Dreger, D
    Journal of Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering, 129(5):415-426.
  • The effect of shallow San Francisco Bay sediments on waveforms recorded during the M-w 4.6 Bolinas, California, earthquake
    Baise, LG, Dreger, DS, and Glaser, SD
    Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America, 93(1):465-479.


  • Consistency of dynamic site response at Port Island
    Baise, LG, Glaser, SD, and Sugano, SD
    Earthquake Engineering and Structural Dynamics, 30(6):803-818.


  • Consistency of ground-motion estimates made using system identification
    Baise, LG and Glaser, SD
    Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America, 90(4):993-1009.
  • System identification estimation of soil properties at the Lotung site
    Glaser, SD and Baise, LG
    Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, 19(7):521-531.