Current Grants
Updating the Geospatial Liquefaction Database and Model
(January 2020 through December 2020) USGS Award No. G20AP00029
Principal Investigator: Laurie Baise
Completed Grants
Characterization of Soil Amplification in Glaciated Terrains: Collaborative Research with Boston College
(June 2020 through May 2021) USGS Award No. G20AP00040
Principal Investigator: Laurie Baise
National and Global Liquefaction Loss Model for PAGER
USGS Award #G19AP00023
Principal Investigator: Laurie Baise
Building Collapse Detection Using Satellite Imagery After Earthquake Events: Collaborative Research with Tufts University and Boston University
USGS Award #G19AP00057
Principal Investigator: Laurie Baise
A Hierarchical Bayes Inversion Approach for Site Characterization Using Surface Wave Measurements
USGS Award #G18AP00034
Principal Investigator: Laurie Baise
Validation of a Geospatial Liquefaction Model for Noncoastal Regions Including Nepal
USGS Award #G16AP00014
Principal Investigator: Laurie Baise
A Decision and Design Framework for Multi-Hazard Resilient and Sustainable Buildings: Tufts Subaward from Northeastern University
NSF Award#1455450
Principal Investigator: Mehrdad Sasani (Northeastern University)
Near Surface Sediment Model and Site Response for Boston: Collaborative Research with Tufts University and Boston College
USGS NEHRP Award G14AP00060
Principal Investigator: Laurie Baise and John Ebel (Boston College)
A Geospatial Liquefaction Model for Rapid Response and Loss Estimation
NSF Award #1300781
Principal Investigator: Laurie Baise; Co-Principal Investigator: Eric Thompson
Identifying and Modeling Complex Site Response Behavior, CMMI Award
NSF Award #1000210
Principal Investigator: Laurie Baise; Co-Principal Investigator: Luis Dorfmann
Incorporating Site Effects in Ground Motion Prediction Equations
USGS NEHRP Award #G11AP20033
Near Surface Velocity Structure and Site Response at Parkfield, California
USGS NEHRP Award #G09AP00062
Post-Liquefaction Reconnaissance Using Remote Sensing
USGS NEHRP Award #G10AP00025 and #G10AP00026
Collaborative Research with Tufts University and University of Alaska Fairbanks
Geohazards Database Consortium
Berger Family Technology Transfer Endowment
PIRE: Developing International Protocols for Offshore Sediments and their Role in Geohazards: Characterization, Assessment, and Mitigation
NSF Award #0530151
Principal Investigator: Don DeGroot; Co-Principal Investigator: Thomas Sheahan, Jason DeJong, Brian McAdoo, Laurie Baise; Organization: University of Massachusetts Amherst
CAREER: Integrated Research and Education in Regional Evaluation of Seismic Hazards
NSF Award #0547190
Principal Investigator: Laurie Baise
Offshore Wind Energy
A startup grant provided by Peter and Denise Wittich Family Fund for Alternative Energy Research at Tufts University
2002 Au Sable Forks Earthquake Ground Motions
USGS NEHRP Award #04HQGR0166 and 04HQGR0167
Regional Wave Propagation in New York: Collaborative research with Boston University and Tufts University
Regional Liquefaction Hazard Mapping
USGS NEHRP Award #05HQGR0103
Numerical Modeling of Moderate Magnitude Earthquakes, CMMI Award
NSF Award #0409311
Principal Investigator: Laurie Baise
Boston Subsurface Project
Tufts Berger Family Technology Transfer Endowment and the Tufts University Academic Technology Internal Grant
Liquefaction Hazard Mapping for Boston, Massachusetts
USGS NEHRP Award #02HQGR0036 and #02HQGR0040
Collaborative research with William Lettis & Assoc., Inc. and Tufts University