Best in Show:
- Sharon Ron, Intro to GIS for Urban Analysis
Location, Location, Location: Analysis of Monthly Rental Premiums in the Greater Cambridge Area
- Stephanie Cleland, Advanced GIS
The Intrinsic Vulnerability of Groundwater to Contamination in the Midwest and its Associated Human Health Impacts
- Sydney Giacalone, Undergraduate Intro to GIS
The Political Implications of “Food Desert” Mapping: A Case Study comparing the Political and Social Implications of USDA Versus Local “Food Desert” Definitions in the State of Maryland and City of Baltimore.
Runner Ups
- Katie Grassle, GIS for Conservation Medicine
It’s Not Easy Being Green: Can Green Space Predict Crime Rates in New York City?
- Kat Rasp, GIS for Conservation Medicine
Mapping out the Increasing Conflict between humans and Black Bears in Massachusetts
- Slide Kelly, Intro to GIS for Urban Analysis
Filling the Gaps in the Mile High City: Analyzing Infill Development Suitability in Denver, Colorado
- Robel Alemu, Fundamentals of GIS for Food, Agriculture, and Environmental Applications
Malaria Transmission Vulnerability in Ethiopia: A Spatial Analysis
- Ethan Freedman, Advanced GIS
Identifying Locations for Road Crossing Structures for Moose in Northwest Colorado
- Julia Appel, Fundamentals of GIS for Food, Agriculture, and Environmental Applications
Biking to a Healthier Boston: Assessing Potential Locations for New Hubway Construction in and around Boston
- Abhishek Maity, GIS for International Applications
Access Denied in South Africa: The Need for New 3G+ Cell Phone Towers to Increase Internet Access
- Anna Kaplan, GIS for Public Health:
Mapping the Opioid Epidemic: Saving Lives with Nalozone – Distribution of Nalozone by Tapestry Health in Western Massachusetts, 2008 – 2016