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Networked Data

The DataLab maintains a GIS data file server (the M Drive) that contains frequently used GIS datasets that are available to the Tufts Community. If you are working in the DataLab, it is mapped as the M: drive. If you are working outside the DataLab, users will need to map a network drive to connect and access the data.

See Accounts & Network Drives for directions on how to map these network drives.

The data are read-only, so if users want to edit the files, they will need to download them to their personal workspace.

The data are organized by geographic region and then by publisher. For instance, if users are looking for GIS data for the City of Boston, they should go to City->Boston->Boston Water & Sewer Comission (BWSC) and then browse for the appropriate dataset. Likewise, if looking for Massachusetts data, users should go to State->MA->MassGIS. Metadata (data explaining the data) has been provided when possible.

Tufts has established a new Haiti Geospatial Data Repository for use by Tufts researchers. Please click here for more information and for directions on now to connect to the Haiti Networked Data Source.


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