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GIS After Tufts (So you’re graduating… now what?)

How long do I have access to ArcGIS and ArcGIS Online after I graduate?

Your Tufts accounts are deactivated 90 days after your degree conferral date which can be checked on SIS. If you would like to still be able to access your ArcGIS Online data, you should set it to public and make your own personal ArcGIS Online account. Note that this will make your data publicly available on the web.

What happens to my content (Box, ArcGIS Online, H:/ Drive) after I graduate?

That depends on what content you’re referring to!

  • ArcGIS Online: Things published on ArcGIS Online are available to you AND anyone with an AGOL account if you set them to public. Otherwise, data on the Tufts organizational account is kept indefinitely, but may not be as storage limits are approached.
  • H Drive: Your H Drive will remain accessible as long as your Tufts Username is active. You should zip up contents of your H drive and copy to personal storage (drop box, google drive, USB, hard drive, personal computer). Once your username is no longer active, you will loose access and it gets zipped up and transferred to Tufts Storage. We keep H:/ drives for ~5 years, but it is not guaranteed. If you have graduated and would like to see if we still have the contents of your H:/ drive, email
  • Box: Content in Box can be saved off using Box Sync. Instructions can be found here. Otherwise you will lose access to Box when your username deactivates 90 days after degree conferral. Important content can also be transferred to other owners that will remain at Tufts, as appropriate.
  • Canvas: Canvas content can be tricky! To download all of your submissions from a class go here. To download content from a class, you must export each file individually as there is no bulk download.

What if I still want to use ArcGIS or ArcGIS Online?

Many companies have enterprise accounts to ArcGIS and will have licenses if the software is required for your role. For personal use you can buy an individual license. You can also consider open-source alternatives like QGIS or even python and R spatial packages (geopandas, rasterio, spdep, sf, rioxarray, fiona, and more!). ESRI also offers a free version of StoryMaps.

What resources exist for career development?

See a recommended list of Associations and Listservs to join and a page of career resources.

Congrats and happy mapping!