GIS Job Sites
Below are a list of excellent GIS job clearing houses. If you are interested in a career in GIS, here are some places you can start looking!
- American Association of Geographers: AAG recently revamped their site to offer GIS job postings along with GIS Career advice and tips.
- Geography Realm: Job listings related to Geography, GIS, and the geospatial industry. The job listings in this sector typically feature roles that require expertise in handling geospatial data, understanding geographic principles, and employing analytical skills to interpret and present complex spatial relationships.
- This guide provides a broad overview of the GIS field, what to look for in a GIS educational program, and information on potential GIS careers and relevant skills.
- This site contains a growing list of countries that link to an employment gateway specific to the selected country.
- Earthworks: Remote Sensing and GIS job listings from Europe and North America. Mix of mostly academic and research oriented positions.
- GeoSearch: Recruiters in GIS, GPS, Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing, Image Processing, Computer Science and Related Technologies and Sciences
- GetGISJobs: Job listings for the United States with occasional listings for other countries.
- GIS Jobs Clearinghouse: Most well known national and international GIS job site. GIS only jobs worldwide (most from USA) are posted daily to this site.
- GoGeomatics: GoGeomatics is a job site for jobs in GIS in Canada.
- My GIS Jobs: A geospatial career website that aggregates hundreds of GIS, remote sensing, and related geospatial fields job listings from across the web into a single place. In addition, GIS employers can post their positions directly to the site.
- GIS Jobs: Post your GIS resume or search for GIS Jobs.
- Zip Recruiter: Targeted GIS search for Tufts Students from
- GIS Geography: A site for GIS jobs and career resources
- Women+ in Geospatial: This page on LinkedIn often posts jobs
- Geospatial Jobs: A weekly career newsletter focusing on data science and geosciences (🌧climate-tech, 🌽ag-tech, 🌊risk modeling, ⚡️energy, 🛰remote sensing, ♻️sustainability, and more).
Additional Job Sites:
- USAJobs – The federal government’s official job site.
- VelvetJobs
- Tufts Handshake
Resources for a Career in GIS:
ESRI’s GIS Career Resources Story Map
Check out this quick overview of resources for new and aspiring GIS professionals in Story Map form!
Building a Career in GIS
From classes to employment, a “how-to” guide to getting a job in GIS. Find out what steps you need to take to enjoy a career in GIS. Brought to us by GIS
GIS Job Descriptions
Descriptions of jobs in the GIS field organized by industry, job type and location.
GIS Salary Data & Trends
Browse information about salaries, projected growth, demand for key skills, and job titles for more than 90 geography-related occupations. Each year, updated data are collected from the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics and analyzed to provide up-to-date snapshots of career prospects for geographers. Brought to us by AAG.
How to Survive a GIS Job Interview
Nervous and unsure of what employers are looking for in a candidate? GIS lounge provides tips and tricks to being a good interviewee.
Ten Tips to Prepare for a GIS Job Interview
Kristina Jacob, a GIS professional with a California city, lists her top ten tips for preparing for a GIS job interview. Brought to us by GIS Lounge.
GIS Associations
- NEARC: Northeast Arc User’s Group
- NEGPN: The New England Chapter of the Geospatial Professionals Network (NEGPN)
- URISA: Urban & Regional Information Systems Associations
- NACIS: North American Cartographic Information Society
- APA: American Planning Association
- AAG: Association of American Geographers
- ASPRS: American Society for Photgrammetry and Remote Sensing
- GISCorps: GIS Professionals Volunteering for a Better World
- GITA: Geospatial Information & Technology Association
- OGC: Open Geospatial Consortium, Inc.
- SCGIS: Society for Conservation GIS
- AGS: American Geographical Society
- GISCI: GIS Certification Institute
- OSGEO: The Open Source Geospatial Foundation
GIS ListServs/Online Communities
Listserv for the Northeast Arc User’s Group run out of UConn
GIS Colorado
GIS listserv for Colorado community