Community Mapping and Analysis

Community Mapping and Analysis

GIS is used as an important inventory, visualization, and analysis tool in the study of local communities, community development, and for local advocacy. GIS is frequently used to inventory and display current conditions (demographics, land use, zoning, transportation, services), and is often used to analyze access to community services and to advocate for new services. Likewise it is being widely used in studies linking public health to the local environment, and in social/environmental justice studies comparing services and burdens between communities.

Examples of Online Mapping for Community Analysis

Examples of GIS for community mapping and advocacy
Examples of Peer-Reviewed Literature
  • Alexis Comber, Chris Brunsdon, Edmund Green. 2008. Using a GIS-based network analysis to determine urban greenspace accessibility for different ethnic and religious groups. Landscape and Urban Planning, Volume 86, Issue 1, 12 May 2008, Pages 103-114
  • Jennifer Rogalsky. 2009 (in press). The working poor and what GIS reveals about the possibilities of public transit
    Journal of Transport Geography.