Housing and GIS
- PolicyMap - an online mapping web site that has both free and subscriber-based housing and demographic data. Policy Map provides easy ways to map publicly available housing and foreclosure data from HUD, the Federal Reserve and the US Post Office (vacant properties). All this data is free for mapping. Other data which they purchase (e.g., real estate data) is only available via subscriptions. Also look at the PolicyMap Blog and News tabs for examples of how this information is being used in practice.
- Foreclosure Related Data Sources (from the Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta) – good list of data sources and where to get them (note that most of these can be viewed on PolicyMap)
- HUD (US Department of Housing and Urban Development) – A Picture of Subsidized Households 2000. a data download site for subsidized housing data. See also these examples of HUD produced maps.
- National Academies Press – GIS for Housing and Urban Development- (read online, purchase, or sign in for free download) From the web site: “The report describes potential applications of geographic information systems (GIS) and spatial analysis by HUD s Office of Policy Development and Research for understanding housing needs, addressing broader issues of urban poverty and community development, and improving access to information and services by the many users of HUD s data.” (see Chapter 4 for examples of spatial analysis for housing)
- Quantitative and Spatial Analysis Techniques for Analyzing Gentrification Patterns (Gina Clemmer, New Urban Research) – nice easy to follow example of using available data to explore neighborhood change in a GIS (uses data from the American Community Survey, the Home Mortgage Disclosure Act, and business directories.
- Examples of online mapping sites for housing data:
- US Mortgage Maps of the US by state and town, 1990-2007 - Federal Reserve Bank of New York
- Foreclosures, House-Price Changes, and Sub-prime mortgages in Massachusetts Cities and Towns (dynamic map – Federal Reserve Bank of Boston)
Examples of Peer-Reviewed Research
- Can, Ayse. 1998. GIS and Spatial Analysis of Housing and Mortgage Markets. Journal of Housing Research, 9(1):61-86.
- Rob Fiedler, Nadine Schuurman, Jennifer Hyndman. 2006. Hidden homelessness: An indicator-based approach for examining the geographies of recent immigrants at-risk of homelessness in Greater Vancouver
Cities, Volume 23, Issue 3, June 2006, Pages 205-216 - Perkins, Douglas D., Larsen, Courtney & Brown, Barbara B. 2009. Mapping Urban Revitalization: Using GIS Spatial Analysis to Evaluate a New Housing Policy. Journal of Prevention & Intervention in the Community, 37 (1), 48-65.
- Sorrentino, J.A., Meenar, M.M.R., Flamm, B.J. 2008. Suitable housing placement: A gis-based approach. Environmental Management, 42 (5), pp. 803-820
- Johnson M P, 2007, “Planning models for the provision of affordable housing” Environment and Planning B: Planning and Design 34(3) 501 – 523