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2010 GIS Poster Expo Gallery

2010 GIS Poster Expo Gallery

Best in Show:

Yosefa Ehrlich
“Fishbone” Deforestation in Rondônia, Brazil: Trends and Projections

Sarah Keefe
Suitable Locations for Residential Development in Northern Massachusetts

Runners Up:

Kristopher Carter
Feasibility Analysis of the Watertown Community Path

Venkat Mohan
Temporal Changes in Land Cover Types and the Incidence of Malaria in Mangalore, India

John Hoopes
The Snows of Mont Blanc: Analysis of Summer Snow Cover Change Over 25 Years on the Mont Blanc Massif

Jeffrey Trull
Shrinking of the Aral Sea: Water Loss Analysis of a Disappearing Lake


Ina Anderson
Resources and Barriers to Care for Diabetes Patients
Kathryn Bond
Protecting Rock Climbing Cliffs
Kathryn Bond
Tracking Tree Line Advance

Liz Carver
Vulnerability to Heat Stress

Nanda Chassot
Changes in Urban Green Space

Kelly Duncan
Occurrences and Spread of Dengue Fever

Amanda Fencl & Bill Dougherty
Accessing Coastal Vulnerability and Adapting to Climate Change in UAE and Egypt

Danny Ferry
Harnessing Wind Power

DJ Forbes
Street Trees and Replanting Opportunities

Adam Frank
Evacuation Vulnerability Around Boston

Gabe Frumkin
Outreach Models for White-Collar Labor Unions

Becky Gallagher
Nantucket’s Vulnerability to the Rising Seas

Amanda Garfield
Accessible Sites for Outdoor Science Education

Mark Genua
Brownfield to Open Space Conversions

Eugenia Gibbons
Breast Cancer in Massachusetts

Brendan Goodwin
Opportunity Mapping of Massachusetts Public Housing

Tim Harrigan
Demand for Smart Growth in Greater Boston

Julia Haskin
Assessing Land for Urban Agriculture

Greg Hering
Land use Efficiency of the RI Economy

Rebecca Hession
Community Health in Public High Schools

Elizabeth Hinds-Ferrick
Deforestation in Guyana

Maritza Martinez
Suitable Locations for Future 40B Development in Newton

Nupur Hiremath
Vulnerability of LA’s Coastal Communities to Flooding
John Hoopes
Healthy Food Accessibility in Somerville
Margaret Husak
Access To Community Parks in Houston

Eunice Kim
Demographic Analysis of Multi-Use Paths around Watertown

Karen Kosinski
Development of GIS Data Layers for Kwabeng, Ghana

Lee Koska
Food Accessibility in Somerville, MA

Libby Mahaffy
Site Suitability for Ecovillages in MI

Daniel Malmer
Cell Phone Tower Placement in ME

Markie McBrayer
Vulnerability for Childhood Obesity

Shellfish Harvesting Areas on MA’s Coast

Ellie Muter
Turning Safe Routes to School Programs Into Action

Dan Nally
Development in the Salem Sound Watershed

Janna Newman
Shellfishing Closure Areas in Greenwich Bay, RI

Melissa Ng
Sea Level Rise in South Carolina

Titiana Ng
Disaster Planning in NYC

Nathaniel Olken
Use of Remote Sensing for Investigating Impacts of Urbanization on Peak River Flows

Elizabeth Panella
Energy Efficiency in Milwaukee

Stephen Pantalone
Green Space Suitability Analysis

Marisol Pierce-Quinonez
Farmland Preservation in MA

Dinesh Prashar
Brahmaputra Hydrograph

Ross Pustell
Crime Rates in MA

Jack Melcher
Watersheds Tributary to Closed Shellfish Harvesting Areas on Massachusetts’ Clam Coast

Betsy Rakocy
Corn Planting and Suitable Lands in IA
Jeremy Robitaille
A Spatial Examination of Foreclosures in Dorchester
Elizabeth Rodman
Food Security Assessment of DC

Marlies Ruck
Mt. Kilimanjaro’s Receding Glaciers

Thomas Selby
Shrinking Lake Chad

Melissa Shakro
Neighborhood Accessibility Analysis

Alex Shapiro
Environmental Justice in Cancer Alley, LA

Jeffrey Smith & Rian Amiton
Defining Ocean Territory for Western Sahara

Madeline Soule
Site Suitability for Community Gardens

Kristen Stelljes
Rebuilding Port-au-Prince, Haiti

Jacob Stern
Segregation in Chicago

Jeremy Strauss
Transportation Access

Alice Tin
Food Access Near Somerville Schools

Laura Tolkoff
Healthy Development in Somerville and Cambridge

Natalie Varner
Analysis of Somerville Communities Near Interstate 93

Natalie Varner
The Los Angeles Station Fire: An Analysis of the Burn Area and Vegetation Loss 

Kiersten von Trapp
Watershed Management for Lubbers Brook

Adam Welti
Monitoring Deforestation in Eastern Liberia

Katie Wholey
Gentrification in Chicago

Brittany Zwicker
Residential Energy Consumption in Somerville